Golden Eagle Bike Engine setup for a newbe

Hey all,

I went with the Robin Subaru 0h35 engine 4 stroke. I think that this will meet my needs the best after consulting with GEBE on a lot of my issues.
I have a light solid bike but in spite of that I ordered GEBE's super beefed rear wheel.
This build will be a very very heavy duty commute bike!
What do I know about motored biking? Zip. But I got some good advice and hope that I have spent my money wisely.
Note that in life one gets what one pays for as in there is no free lunch.
I will start a new thread here when my kit arrives and I start the build on my bike.
I might also only post comments about this build on my blog for total editorial control.
I am really leaning that way though...

hi kevin, as a GEBE rider with over 30,000 mi I can say you wont be dissapointed i ride a 40cc tanaka and my wife ( quay1962 ) rides a 35cc robin whisper quiet reliable and the gas mileage is unbelievable
hi kevin, as a GEBE rider with over 30,000 mi I can say you wont be dissapointed i ride a 40cc tanaka and my wife ( quay1962 ) rides a 35cc robin whisper quiet reliable and the gas mileage is unbelievable


Your some one I would like to talk to.
I have my commute to work down to 64.5 miles per day!
I did go with the R/S for fuel reasons and gave up a little speed but I hope this will work out well for me!
The kit will hit my door step on Thursday the 30th.
My comments about this set up will be on my blog.
It's just easier for me to put pix up and to put my thoughts about the setup.
I was on the phone with GEBE for well, quite a long time about my engine choice. I do believe that I got great advice. I am of the opinion that GEBE for what I need just builds the best kits. However, since I am new to this motored bike thing I will be quite honest with my experiences.
My build will be quite routine however since my Fisher MTB is just an ordinary bicycle. It is high quality and effecient but ordinary.
Lights, fenders and the whole nine yards to get to work and back!
Here is a link to my blog:
Just cut and paste in between the xxx tags into a new browser and you will be linked to my blog.
Nothing but ultra cycling stuff on there so hopefully not a bore...

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<li><a href="">The Kettle Moraine Biker</a></li>

A link to my blog.

The kit is mounted and I did a short 44 mile ride today in the Wisconsin cold and headwind.

<li><a href="">The Kettle Moraine Biker</a></li>

A link to my blog with pictures and comments.

The kit is mounted and I did a short 44 mile ride today in the Wisconsin cold and headwind.

Isn't it wonderful how a 44 mile ride can be described as a "short" ride!

I have the GEBE kit with the Tanaka 32cc engine on a 15 year old mountain bike. I have ridden it on lots of 50 to 60 mile rides in very hilly areas and the rides were "short" and "easy."

I was and still am an avid pedal cyclist, but pedaling 40 miles in very hilly areas is a long and difficult ride for me and the longest big hill ride that I would want to pedal in a day. By comparison, with my GEBE I have ridden 120 hilly miles in a day and it was not hard!


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Isn't it wonderful how a 44 mile ride can be described as a "short" ride!

I have the GEBE kit with the Tanaka 32cc engine on a 15 year old mountain bike. I have ridden it on lots of 50 to 60 mile rides in very hilly areas and the rides were "short" and "easy."

I was and still am an avid pedal cyclist, but pedaling 40 miles in very hilly areas is a long and difficult ride for me and the longest big hill ride that I would want to pedal in a day. By comparison, with my GEBE I have ridden 120 hilly miles in a day and it was not hard!

Hey Virginian,
Ah, the land of the greatest American IMHO Thomas Jefferson.
I was seriously going to get that Tanaka 32cc 2 stroke but Julia from GEBE talked me out of it. It might be a bit slower but the fuel hassels just don't exist. I just in the end did not want to bother with mixing oil in my gas. Its cooler to pull up to the gas station and put in a pocket's worth of change into the gas tank.
I am motoring along with an out of the box robin 35 with some pedal assist at 26 plus miles per hour average speed in some very hilly Wisconsin country!
The top end with the standard gear on the flats is 32 mph.
When the motor is broken in I plan on getting the high way gear which I am told will give me a 10% speed increase and better fuel economy. So an average speed of 29 mph or so? Its simply fast enough. Its a great kit.
Tell me. How did you attach those bags to the rear of that mountain bike?
Your setup is much like mine. I am very interested in how you mounted those bags on to that bike.
The bags on your bike kind of hide the motor and attracting as little attention as possible is the way I want to go. Cops have low IQ's so its best not to attract their attention!
Thomas Jefferson was a big fan of the second amendment to the constitution just for the retarded police man.
I mean I have been reading stuff on this site and its like gas is 3 bucks a galleon and some states just make it tough to get around. These bikes are just a great idea for basic transportation.
In Wisconsin fortunately all you need is a drivers license and a motor under 49cc and you are good to go.
I have been motoring around for the past few days on this bike and see absolutely no problems with them at all. Its a great idea...

Mixing oil into gas

Hey Virginian,
I was seriously going to get that Tanaka 32cc 2 stroke but Julia from GEBE talked me out of it. It might be a bit slower but the fuel hassels just don't exist. I just in the end did not want to bother with mixing oil in my gas. Its cooler to pull up to the gas station and put in a pocket's worth of change into the gas tank.

I guess I have gotten used to mixing the oil and gas so it is not too big a problem. I have a 1-gallon can and I just add oil as soon as I buy new gas.

I can carry quite a lot of pre-mixed gas with me. The stock tank plus auxillary tank gives 80 miles of range. Two MSR bottles in water bottle cages add 50 miles of range. A large 1.5 liter MSR-type bottle that I can carry in my panniers adds another 55 miles. Total range is thus 185 miles. I also carry small pouches of oil that I could mix on the road giving essentially unlimited range. Photo shows it all.


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Top speed on flats

I am motoring along with an out of the box robin 35 with some pedal assist at 26 plus miles per hour average speed in some very hilly Wisconsin country!
The top end with the standard gear on the flats is 32 mph.

I think my top speed on the flats is about 31 mph. I also pedal assist.

I worked hard at making sure I measured it accurately. I checked my bike computer calibration by riding a 5-mile measured course and it was right on. Then, I rode "flat" pieces of road in both directions and took the average. The reason for averaging both directions is that even tiny grades that are not apparent to the eye will affect speed. Also, even light winds make a difference depending on whether they are head winds or tail winds.

I can maximum average speed on rural roads is 26 mph if I really push it, but 25 mph is more common. Even though top speed is over 30 mph, hills, turns, potholes, curves, and stop signs all cause the average to be well under the top speed. In urban areas, my average is usually about 20 mph because of all the places that I have to slow down. Still that is really fast for a bike!
Attaching pannier

Tell me. How did you attach those bags to the rear of that mountain bike?
Your setup is much like mine. I am very interested in how you mounted those bags on to that bike.
The bags on your bike kind of hide the motor and attracting as little attention as possible is the way I want to go. Cops have low IQ's so its best not to attract their attention!

Note that I have only 1 pannier (right side of bike). On the left side I have mounted an auxillary gas tank.

It was some effort to attach the pannier, but I absolutely needed some carying capacity for long rides and for errands. For grocery shopping, I also use a backpack as shown in the attached photo.

The pannier is permanently mounted. I took an ordinary bike pannier that had a stiff backing. I drilled w holes in the GEBE motor mount support. (This requires a drill bit for steel.) I cut a 12" piece of aluminum strip (1" x 1/8") and drilled 2 holes in it and mounted it over the stiff pannier backing and then bolted it to the motor mount support. I also bolted into the top hole another 12" aluminum strip horizontally to add additional stiffness. It works pretty well.


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