Greetings From Las Vegas


New Member
Local time
5:38 AM
Feb 8, 2010
Hi All-
I've just got MB together and must thank everyone for all the info I gleaned from this site. I felt how the Wright Brothers must have felt when I raised my garage door over the weekend and stared deeply into the downpour of rain we were getting - (very rare here). I was ready and so was my wicked, wicked machine, determined that the moment could not have been more perfect to baptize it upon its maiden journey. The tiny motor hissed and snorted to life and I was free, free I tell you, no longer having to pedal as we picked up a breathtaking speed of about 15 mph all the way up to the corner and back again. Anyway, as you can see, I'm hooked! Good to be here.
nice Work

Good work on your creation. I built one last fall right before the cold came to Chicago, so I won't be riding it much. We just got snow again and actually looking out the window it is still snowing, so maybe in a few months. If you ride more than a few blocks post where you go in Las Vegas on my online map at the links below. I am an affiliate of allstate and thus I am using their web pages for this. Thanks and have fun in sin city.

David Lipsky
Hi David & All,
Thanks for your post. Right now I'm just sticking around home (about 5 miles).
As I get more confidence with it, I may take longer journeys. I hope to post a picture soon, people really seem to like this bike. I was an good hands guy back in the late 70's when I lived in Syracuse (I could swap snow stories with you). I worked at a booth at a Sears store but soon got bored out of my mind. The link you gave is really cool, but I can't get other trips to show. I'll put someting in when my trips get longer. Thanks again!