Happy Christmas 2024 to all of our forum members and their families including furry, feathered, or otherwise members of the family...lol.

For those of you who just love the tradition of watching a rendition of Charles Dickens, The Christmas Carol, I have a version you can watch on your computers for free since most streaming services are either making people buy it or rent it these days, like they don't already get enough money...lol.

So here is one of my favourite ones...Michael Caine as Scrooge in The Muppets Christmas Carol.

Muppet CC

Another movie I like is "A Christmas Story" set in the latter 1940s with little Ralphie getting his mouth washed out with Lifebuoy soap, (ask Gordy about that...lol.), As well as him wishing, and getting his "Red Ryder BB Gun" for Christmas and everything else happening in his life in between which is pretty funny...lol...The Movie was made in the 80s but this one is presented with all of the original Christmas time commercial ads that were on TV in the USA at the time when this was first presented on the boob tube back around 1993 I think...Pretty nostalgic...lol.

A Christmas Story
For those of you who just love the tradition of watching a rendition of Charles Dickens, The Christmas Carol, I have a version you can watch on your computers for free since most streaming services are either making people buy it or rent it these days, like they don't already get enough money...lol.

So here is one of my favourite ones...Michael Caine as Scrooge in The Muppets Christmas Carol.

Muppet CC

Another movie I like is "A Christmas Story" set in the latter 1940s with little Ralphie getting his mouth washed out with Lifebuoy soap, (ask Gordy about that...lol.), As well as him wishing, and getting his "Red Ryder BB Gun" for Christmas and everything else happening in his life in between which is pretty funny...lol...This one is presented with all of the original Christmas time commercial ads that were on TV in the USA at the time when this was first presented on the boob tube back in the 80s...Pretty nostalgic...lol.

A Christmas Story
My favorite Christmas movie! “ A Christmas Story “
The only really good version on that list is the Reginald Owens as Scrooge in

A Christmas Carol (1938) Full Movie​

The other versions are latter day versions that are quite inferior in my opinion...lol.