If a Pole worker is working on the line to restore power to your house you don't want to electrocute him when you turn on your generator
Using a Transfer Switch disconnects city power supply to your house while the generator is supplying power to your house
Backfeeding a house with a Gen while city power is on can also cause a fire at the breaker box
People think a Suicide Cord is safe as long as they turn off the main at the breaker box
Suicide Cord/Killer Cord is named that for a reason
Maybe a kid unplugs it while the gen is on and electrocutes himself
Maybe it's just laying around in the garage and someone who don't know what it is plugs it in and gets electrocuted
Maybe you turn on the gen before you plug it into the house and electrocute yourself - You deserve to die
Maybe you forgot to turn off the main breaker and a pole worker gets electrocuted
Using a Transfer Switch disconnects city power supply to your house while the generator is supplying power to your house
Backfeeding a house with a Gen while city power is on can also cause a fire at the breaker box
People think a Suicide Cord is safe as long as they turn off the main at the breaker box
Suicide Cord/Killer Cord is named that for a reason
Maybe a kid unplugs it while the gen is on and electrocutes himself
Maybe it's just laying around in the garage and someone who don't know what it is plugs it in and gets electrocuted
Maybe you turn on the gen before you plug it into the house and electrocute yourself - You deserve to die
Maybe you forgot to turn off the main breaker and a pole worker gets electrocuted