Heart broke


New Member
Local time
2:19 AM
Jul 16, 2008
Springfield MA
The sun was up
The temp was cool
My brakes squeaked from the morning's dew

I primed my carb
My clutch was in
I pedaled quickly with my back to the wind

I released my clutch
My heart began to pump
My motored bike started right up

The throttle turned
I gave it gas
My bike and I on our way at last

We cruised along
Everything was fine
How could I have known what ahead would lie

The car was white
The girl was young
She was on her cell phone having fun

She came from behind
Then on my left
She took a right guess what happened next

My arm is broken
My legs are scratched
My bike and motor are turned to scrap

The sun is gone
Replaced by rain
Oh how I long to ride again
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I'm awfully sorry.

But maybe there's a silver lining; you seem to have some writing ability. So you can practice that while you heal and then ride, ride, ride when you're able to again.

Good luck.

(Also be sure to make her insurance company replace that bike.)
Ahhh the creative powers of the vicodin show themselves.. :)

Sorry to hear about your wreck. Hope that her and her insurance company are taking care of a new motorized bike and the bills.