Hi All,
I race RC cars (electric) and I know they make a little dyno to test the electric motors....Does anybody here know of a good way to make a dyno to test performance increases as we modify our little bike engines?...Right now I am doing my informal test by riding the bike and having a helper time me BUT in order to make good charts to see performance increases/decreases throughout the RPM range I need a way to measure time to a particular RPM given a constant load.
All the factory made dynos are serious $$....I think the cheapest I was able to find was a setup used to test go kart engines and such....It was about $10K....a little....err lot outta my budget....
I was thinking of getting a bike trainer (you know the ones that allow you to
ride stationary indoors) and somehow rig up a timer and rpm meter ....the timer and RPM meter would be the hard part....the instrument or device(s) would need to log data so that one can make a power curve for the engine....I wouldn't even need it to tell me the exact HP or torque that is actually being developed.....I want to just know the relative power increases
each time I tinker with the engine (i.e. under a constant load if my newly modified engine reaches say 1500 RPM faster than it did before I did the mods I would be happy)...
As far as a constant load, if the bike trainer doesn;t offer enough resistance I could maybe hookup an old engine (small) and restrict the exhaust to make the constant load....or maybe a BIG electric motor could be used to provide rotational resistance?
Any ideas would be appreciated.
I race RC cars (electric) and I know they make a little dyno to test the electric motors....Does anybody here know of a good way to make a dyno to test performance increases as we modify our little bike engines?...Right now I am doing my informal test by riding the bike and having a helper time me BUT in order to make good charts to see performance increases/decreases throughout the RPM range I need a way to measure time to a particular RPM given a constant load.
All the factory made dynos are serious $$....I think the cheapest I was able to find was a setup used to test go kart engines and such....It was about $10K....a little....err lot outta my budget....
I was thinking of getting a bike trainer (you know the ones that allow you to
ride stationary indoors) and somehow rig up a timer and rpm meter ....the timer and RPM meter would be the hard part....the instrument or device(s) would need to log data so that one can make a power curve for the engine....I wouldn't even need it to tell me the exact HP or torque that is actually being developed.....I want to just know the relative power increases
each time I tinker with the engine (i.e. under a constant load if my newly modified engine reaches say 1500 RPM faster than it did before I did the mods I would be happy)...
As far as a constant load, if the bike trainer doesn;t offer enough resistance I could maybe hookup an old engine (small) and restrict the exhaust to make the constant load....or maybe a BIG electric motor could be used to provide rotational resistance?
Any ideas would be appreciated.