I can see why you need to lift the mount, wow two engines must be a crazy ride.
In its simplest form a cable pulls and drops from a lever, the biggest problem will be how to keep the tension right when the system is lowered, a self locking brake handle would help keep it disengaged. However thes parts might not be able to cope with the weight.
yeap dm edge is were you need to do some major brain searching....
These bikes are so much fun i have a gebe on a crusier/hybrid at the moment and i just bought a slighty used friction drive which will arrive sometime next week. I hope to try and fit it my my wifes trike, at first i was thinking rear wheel but they are cantered inwards at an angle so fabing some sort of mounting brackets would be a nightmare. So am going to try the front wheel should be easier, but this is a recumbent trike with 20in wheels so its not going to be easy....
Anyhow surf like crazy your solution is out their somewhere, but it does drive us crazy in the meantime !!!!