How do you know when the clutch is toast?

Local time
9:02 AM
Oct 18, 2021
I might be overthinking this, but how do you know when the clutch is wearing out on these four strokes? I have almost 2000 miles on my bike (GX50, friction drive) I know on a car, it'll start to slip and it's pretty clear. What about the centrifugal clutches on these engines? Will it start slipping at higher speeds when you gun it? I'm just worried about being stranded 30-40 miles away from home if it suddenly goes.

Is there any kind of warning before it's completely done? If not, I'm just going to get into the habit of pulling the engine occasionally and checking pad wear.
Only way is to eyeball it, or you'll hear metal to metal sound. If it slips a lot that's a sign it's getting close to worn out.
Only way is to eyeball it, or you'll hear metal to metal sound. If it slips a lot that's a sign it's getting close to worn out.
Hm. Looked half worn at 1200 miles. Might be due for a new one soon. How many miles are you guys getting out of these?
I would say, if it were me and I was worried that I would just make the visual confirmation. I hear it's only 4 bolts too remove the engine.

It's the only way to know for sure, and based on the visual you had before with 1200 miles, you should be due in 400 miles. At this point, since the real good weather is on the way I would personally just order the clutch pads and bell and do it anyways. Maybe new mounting hardware for good measure. Start off fresh and ready for the season.
My clutch has over 70,000 miles; 13 years of use on it. I have a 4 stroke 33cc Robin Subaru 35. Oh did I mention I have a shifter bike? Which means I can be in the most efficient ratio for a given terrain.
Yep ya gotta look at it and check the shoe wear
Common sense will tell ya to change the shoes before the shoe pad material is gone and it starts to eat the drum
77,000?!?! How did you record the mileage? Or was the fish 3 feet long......
