Huffy 3speed trike


Mine was like this one
Yeah somebody stole the basket out of this 1 I got. B4 I actually acquired the trike. It was all there when I looked at it years ago. It's a 3 speed trike, factory sturmey archer 3speed hub & has a thumb shifter.
Back in the 80s a older fellow, lol I'm almost his age now knew I was a gear head and would ask me to help and install motors on his bike, I guess that poor chap had me remove and install 2 or 3 both electric and gas engines he just never really liked them, i liked them but not in my budget in those days,
He would try to pay me for my time but i refused to accept a penny,
One day he got an electric trike and hit me to put it together which I did again refusing pay,
He told me there was a box in his garage with my name on it, he gave me the taz gas engine he had, I thought he mailed it back but no, he just gave it to me, I had a blast with it.
A friend of mine has one of those... I've been trying to get the SA hub off of it ,but so far no go.... It's just sitting in his back yard on flat tires 😠
Yeah I've been trying to buy it for couple years now. But older lady that owns it decided the only way she could ride with her grand kids would be to fix it up. So here it is. It needs shifter cable & controls & brakes. Tires.
She will HATE it. It's like peddling a boat and handles like a grocery cart lol
When I was growing up my grandmother had a Miami sun trike single speed,
I would get in trouble hijacking it but by the time I was about 14 she gave up on it,
So I removed the basket and put a stadium seat where it had been , I removed the stock seat ,
Extended the handle bars and made a recumbent of sorts, years before I knew they were called that.
I had a blast.