ok, 'samurai...i apologise if i was wrong about your efforts...it sure didn't look that way is all...searching (anywhere, web or local pc) is a skill that takes practice. use only "advanced"...there are many many options to refine a search, play with them to be pleasantly surprised.
yes, i know it's tough...mostly because of all the others before you who wouldn't take the time to find the relevant topic..."it is always better to post in an existing thread than to start a new one"...something you also had the choice to do, hence my irritation. i'm also a bit miffed that you won't self-censor, as MBc is declared "family-friendly" so that we can have youngsters browse with parent's approval. do you see the method to that madness?
some parents may not want their children learning to say something ***** whenever they have a complaint or get frustrated, & personally i don't want them learning that practice thru MBc.
your complaint about the low quality of the
majority of the search results is valid, but at the same time as you complained you also contributed to the problem. anyone searching "manual" in the future will also have this ****y (NOTE: i self-censor) topic to deal with. you see?
it would have been best to post your comments in something at the least semi-relevant instead of making matters worse.
also, it would be best if anyone joining MBc let the group know ahead of time about their skill level...all you've been posting before this is in performance/tweak topics...imo, waiting til now to mention you're a novice was a minor mistake in itself. posting topics about 40mph happy-times may mislead the group about your level.
look, this isn't personal...we have several hundred members and SEVERAL thousand posts to worry about. i used to worry about my popularity, until i realised i don't care if you like the online-me (i'm cute & cuddly in real life, and would surely win any beauty contest here

), i have responsibilities and i'll not be swayed from staying the course.