I think I'm about done motoring for the winter..

Thanks, tater. But all I got was a blurred still of your scooter's tail end.

It's okay, though. I can kind of imagine your ice-rides.

My daughter once looked over my shoulder at your "standing donut" avatar and said,
"What's that guy doing?"

He's having fun in the snow!
lol@the donut comment. yea google vids take forever for me too. i have to wait like 5 mins before the play button does anything. anyway, i think its about time for an mb video. the last time i rode any mb was wayy back in august the week before i got my 1st moped. i gotta put my straight bars back on though. the ape hangers are ok and all but i cant be as quick to grab them when working the choke.

anyway, happy riding!

p.s. here is the original vid i got my avatar from. lemmie tell ya, my voice has changed alot since then lol

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I'm looking forward to tonight's ride, by the way. I always go in at about 7:30-8:00 PM and come home between 6:30-7:00 AM. They're looking for an overnight low of 11 degrees with sustained winds in the 20mph range.

One of the fun things is the cagers who wonder if they've stepped into the twilight zone when they realize people do things like that by choice. But that doesn't last long; they quickly assume you've gotten a DUI or that you're just weird.

They don't know what they're missing; conquering weather like this is a proud achievement.
That's it for me, first snow accumulation on the ground last night here in the Happy Valley and they're treating the roads. My cut-off is the when the first road salt appears. I'll be draining the tanks today and run'em dry, fresh oil in the 4 stroke.
But dont' forget there's always a pedal bike.

I just got home from my morning commute. Started a little after 6 AM, just before sunup. Temp was about 5 degrees. My feet did get a little cold, but the rest of me was sweating. The people at work can hardly believe their eyes. But while they were walking to their cars shivering and feeling miserable I was all bundled up feeling just fine.
While they were shivering while their cars warmed up I was riding away.

I stopped about midway up one long grade that I have on the way. I smoked a cigarette and looked at the snow in the woods and listened to a woodpecker doing his thing. It felt good to actually be cooling off under such circumstances.

Most of the people around me slog their way through winter because they really have no choice. But they hate, or at least dislike, every minute of it.

I'd be going too far if I claimed that I've conquered winter. But I've fought it to a draw.

And that's something worth doing.

So ride, ride, ride. You'll be glad you did.
what's that truly worth ???

I stopped about midway up one long grade that I have on the way. I smoked a cigarette and looked at the snow in the woods and listened to a woodpecker doing his thing.

I don't think that there is a price that one can put on that

the sound of a woodpecker doing his THING

one's in the City may not even know
a cute little woodpecker can sure
put on one heck of a show

driving in my car
I don't notice that much
and when it comes to God's critters
I really lose touch

enjoy those THINGS as we ride that THING
I tested out my studded tires yesterday, and put the finishing touches on the initial build of the HT with SBP Shift Kit on my Trek this morning. Today I hope to spend some time chewing up ice and snow.
It worked prety well. I will need to do some work on my rear derailleur. I had no problem with the motor or the Shift Kit. I rode about 6 miles. Makin' tracks where noone has been is cool. The winter is probably a good time of year for me to be breaking in a new engine. I'm not inclined to ride too fast on ice and snow. I really should be wearing a helmet out there.
I really should be wearing a helmet out there.

Yeah, you should. I just got one of these via my kid who knows somebody that knows somebody etc. http://www.giro.com/site/#/product/snow/wireless/g10/
Helmets like this have been out for quite awhile and you perhaps could find one cheap enough there in Haines as that is a jumping off place for extreme skiiers eh? It works very well in the cold, I haven't hooked up the wireless part yet though:rolleyes: