If I buy a pre-built motorized bicycle, how can I adapt it make it legal for UK/Ireland?

Just reinstall the fuel filter so it isnt upside down...lol.

The bike your looking at should start by pedaling while releasing the clutch lever, thats what a pedal start bike is...pedal and just let out the clutch at around 7 miles per hour and it starts...DAMIEN

How did he say he starts it without pedaling?...Did he show you how he starts it?
Sorry I really don't know a thing about engines. So the fuel filter is easy enough to take off and reinstall?

I've just been talking to the guy on facebook

Let me knows what he says.

Also ask him about what he may know of the laws regarding these bikes in Ulster since its under UK jurisdiction while your at it.
So here's what I'm thinking...

Offer him £200, provided he fixes the fuel filter first, since I don't have any tools or know-how, with an alternative of £150 without the fuel filter fixed. That way it might incentivize him to do the fix, or just give me some security in case I get the train out to him and find out he hasn't bothered fixing it.

Thoughts? Good idea? Bad idea?
Well, all it is to do is detach the gas lines from the filter, flip it over the right way and reattach it...its less than 5 minutes to do it...lol.

He might be getting the idea your not a serious buyer asking for a 50 Pound reduction just for that...lol.
Oh? So I don't need any tools or anything for that?

Sorry again. I literally know zilch about engines. This would be the first thing I've ever bought with an engine on it 😂
Oh? So I don't need any tools or anything for that?

Sorry again. I literally know zilch about engines. This would be the first thing I've ever bought with an engine on it 😂
I hope you have a friend that is nearby that does know something because there will be a little tinkering to do from time to time to keep things running properly.
If I had someone come at me over a fuel filter being upside down... it would instantly turn no sale.
Rude? Mean? Not my problem, even it takes no tools and a minute or less to fix.

I honestly don't know anyone that would placate such a petty discrepancy.

FWIW Ive more experience than to put an online filter on wrong even when they don't have a flow arrow.

Like I said I don't know anything about engines or fixing them. Hence why I was checking with y'all first. 😂

"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity." 👍
Yeah...Your going to have to share your bottle with a best friend to keep on helping you out, these bikes require attention.
Thanks for the advice. I've some people I know that can help me out and I'm happy enough to learn as I go