I base my "pitch" on INDEPENDENCE. Having other customers running around the county, all have differing "main objectives".
A few guys are interested in exercise, one actually turns of the motor and physically pedals for an hour a day, he just got tired of seeing the same landscape, now explores a 60 mile radius.
I've never been able to get the "pitch" in a neat and tidy mathmatical model, but it sort of goes like this:
You have two/three cars in the driveway, all averaging 25 miles per gallon, plus all the auto overhead.
If you get a bike and just use it for small chores, stop and go shopping, banking, restauranting, and put those 200 mpg miles in the equation, you've (here comes the hard part) "tripled your hydrocarbon efficiency"
It's like the old Mahareshi Transcendental Meditation equation - get 10% to meditate daily and World Peace occurs.
Get 10% on MB's and energy independence occurs.