Yea, I Stumbled the place. I'll work on adding a review. You might try Digg or delicious for more social bookmarking - if you hit the front page of Digg your basically guaranteed to be the talk of the net for a week.
I threw in a link on the Wiki, I don't know if it will last though - someone might consider it advertising, but I think I got the wording alright - view it
One of the best ways to get up on Google's search pages is external links. If you took that pic at the top and turned it into a link and pasted it all over the web you'd probably get more hits (signature areas on other forums work great for this). You might try starting up a web ring of sorts, too. Like getting that rikinbili site or thatsdax to post a link here and vice versa.
I'll see what other stuff I can dig up. A lot of it is just networking out with other websites or buy advertising space with google (not cheap though, a site I frequent with a top hit spot on google pays something like 2,000US a year for it).
On a side note, your text at the top of the page for going back to the general discussion and forum index needs to be changed, it comes out on my screen as the same color as the background; it might be the visited text color that's doing it, cause the forum topics come out fine.