Inside the EZM ???

Well, let's hope the EZM isn't the "Windows Vista" of motorized bicycles. (After a lot of hype and a long delay in release, the public was not impressed.)
Thought we were all here to ask and answer questions about motorized bicyles.
You got that half right....good spy material around here sometimes.

PS....Tranny doesn't look like anything i'm familiar with.Great idea those horizontal slots in the dropouts.
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Okay folks, here is the skinny on what you saw in that photo. I spoke with Quenton last night, and got his official okeedokee to tell you what you saw (and didn't see).
Yes, that blurry photo did indeed show the inside of the EZM primary drive. It is a drive that is elegant in its simplicity. They say a photo is worth a thousand words, but that photo only tells part of the story. What you cannot see in that photo is what makes it different from anything else using a drive configuration similar to that, whether it be a mower, snowblower or whatever. This device is what allows the EZM Silent Drive to be patented, and there is indeed a patent pending on this drive. I will not go into detail about the device, but let me just say that it is something that shapes belt to allow for smooth clutch engagement as well as proper disengagement. That's all I shall say at this point.
Okay folks, here is the skinny on what you saw in that photo. I spoke with Quenton last night, and got his official okeedokee to tell you what you saw (and didn't see).
Yes, that blurry photo did indeed show the inside of the EZM primary drive. It is a drive that is elegant in its simplicity. They say a photo is worth a thousand words, but that photo only tells part of the story. What you cannot see in that photo is what makes it different from anything else using a drive configuration similar to that, whether it be a mower, snowblower or whatever. This device is what allows the EZM Silent Drive to be patented, and there is indeed a patent pending on this drive. I will not go into detail about the device, but let me just say that it is something that shapes belt to allow for smooth clutch engagement as well as proper disengagement. That's all I shall say at this point.

Thanx for setting the record straight.Ya better let Jb know what this is all about(he he)MotoMagz