Is it My Fault?

Oh and I forgot to say each one of those 195 kits free shipping!

I was trying to get them to ship to Walmart but could not navigate to the page free pickup to my local so I would not half to go through the FedEx - UPS mx up s**t.
That is a really tough question...
It really boils down to your view of the world...

If you can know that free will does not exist, it would appear it is not your fault. Ironically, Einstein did not believe that free will existed, as classical mechanics and laws of gravity etc, are very deterministic.... Deterministic means IF THEN.... You can show causality between events proving that X caused Y, thus in a determininistic world with causality it is impossible for free will to exist as there are no free variables, everything is in a causal blockchain or linked list that point back to eachother... Schrondingers laws regarding quantum mechanics at first might have thrown a wrench into that idea, and Einstein remarked god does not play with dice suggesting that shrondingers belief of uncertatinty and randomness as god playing with dice... It is proven that shrondiner is correct, however and the physicist michao kako in an interview said that shrondingers laws would support free will. However that is bulls**t, and most people disagree with him... Even though events may be uncertain, that does not point a picture of free will as randomly getting outcomes by throwing dice per say would conflict with determinism, but it does not make you free if the future is random. Furthermore, macroscopic objects like humans have a wave function so small that quantum mechanics does not really influence us...
In conclusion, it is not your fault, and this can be proven with science.
We therefore know that on macroscopic levels with things > electron sizes, determinism wins....
We have yet to show that the brain is a quantum computer or has elements of quantum uncertainity, however if proven our subconsouus is affected by qauntum mechanics then the future is not completely determined but perhaps a bit random... However, if QM has no impact on the brain, then the future is already determined. This ties into the idea of a block universe theory where time and future is already written.
Really I have yet to hear a scientific argument in favor of free will, therefore it is not your fault. Ironically, Einstein even believed that murders do not have free will and were not responsible for their crimes, however he throught they should still be locked up in the interest of keeping the public safe.
regarding my personal beliefs, i am against freewill. However, the elements of quantum uncertanity do mean its possible to achieve quantum immortality. Similar to how schrondgiers cat is both dead and alive, it is possible to also be dead and alive and achieve immortality assuming upon death a parrell world is spawned due to a collapsing wave function.
i personally believe that i am immortal and have infinite copies of myself in infinite parell worlds. The idea of wave functions collapsing spawning parell worlds supports this, however this can not be proven with our current framework of physics or maybe it is impossible to prove. Nevertheless, cyrogenics is a good idea to achieve immortaliy in this universe, which ill prolly sign up for in around 70 years when ill be 88... Without cyrogenics, it is not possible to achieve immortality in this universe, but perhaps attainable in another paralel universe but the laws of physics prevent communication between parallel universes, so some people argue then, does it really make a difference. Its like if a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, did it really fall. If you are alive in a parallel world but you could never confirm, it would break the laws of physics (law of conservation of quantum information prevents transfer of info between parallel univereses), are you really alive then???? I am not so sure about the last one, but I believe yes, as that aligns with my own bias and human desire to live forever.
I might think this is all very interesting, or I might not. Since I'm not going to tell you I'll leave it up to your free will to guess. Careful now .
I wonder if you went to the edge of this galaxy and went back flew counter clockwise would you become younger?

My experience with traveling faster than time by the captain taking a dated newspaper as proof we came back 5 years earlier than what we took off and did not even know it!

But, my enemies on Earth did know it and they became smarter and I would half to face the same tortured and even more! So, it really sucks, not very many people are going to let you know that secret one-of-a-kind info.
I might think this is all very interesting, or I might not. Since I'm not going to tell you I'll leave it up to your free will to guess. Careful now .
I might think this is all very interesting, or I might not. Since I'm not going to tell you I'll leave it up to your free will to guess. Careful now .
I wonder if you went to the edge of this galaxy and went back flew counter clockwise would you become younger?

My experience with traveling faster than time by the captain taking a dated newspaper as proof we came back 5 years earlier than what we took off and did not even know it!

But, my enemies on Earth did know it and they became smarter and I would half to face the same tortured and even more! So, it really sucks, not very many people are going to let you know that secret one-of-a-kind info.
When I circumnavigated the galaxy, time slowed down. So, when I got back all my friends were six years older than me.
I wonder if you went to the edge of this galaxy and went back flew counter clockwise would you become younger?

My experience with traveling faster than time by the captain taking a dated newspaper as proof we came back 5 years earlier than what we took off and did not even know it!

But, my enemies on Earth did know it and they became smarter and I would half to face the same tortured and even more! So, it really sucks, not very many people are going to let you know that secret one-of-a-kind info.

Currently, the way faster than light time travel works is

A. Our current laws of physics prevent faster than light speed as that requires, INFINITE, amount of energy, because your mass would become infinite in the E = mc^2 equation..... However, in the future the laws could probably change and who knows...

B. Travel in time through wormholes, wrinkles in space time.... B is possible within our current laws of physics.

Regarding point A,

Regarding your idea of going to the edge of the galaxy... I am not sure if you mean galaxy or observable universe.... actually our universe is spreading apart at the speed of light, its expanding at that rate, so basically there are areas in this universe which can never be visited or seen as you would need to travel faster than light to reach it, or use point B which is to access them through wrinkles in space time.

IF you went to the edge and went counterclockwise, you wouldnt become younger unless you were traveling at speeds close to light which is achieved through the time dilation formula.

If you were to travel back in time inspector, which i will give you the benefit of the doubt, it can only be done through point B. I would not believe you if you said you went faster than light because our current laws say its not allowed and also, even if i give you the benefit of the doubt you broke the laws, light speed travel time dilation means you cannot go back into time, like i cannot visit the egyptians, but I can have time age slowly for me such that, if its year 3000 for you, its only 2030 for me, in this way, you can only go back in time in the future if that makes sense, not in the past. The only way to go back in time to the past 5 years ago, which you stated, would mean you must have found a wrinkle in space time, which i can give you the benefit of the doubt and say you found.

I dont feel like calculating it for you currently, although I had to for my physics SAT's i took a few years ago. although if someone wants the numbers i will plug em in upon request.
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