Is this a good bike to put a 4 stroke engine kit on?


New Member
Local time
11:34 AM
Dec 22, 2022
Hello all,

I’m considering buying a Huffy Cranbrook, my question is will it fit a 4 stroke engine, or if anyone else has suggestions on which bike they fit is appreciated.
Hello all,

I’m considering buying a Huffy Cranbrook, my question is will it fit a 4 stroke engine, or if anyone else has suggestions on which bike they fit is appreciated.
I had a 2 stroke on a Huffy...after 5 years and 6000 miles, the frame cracked apart...Extremely thin walled tubing is what I could see when the tubing cracked and broke all the way around.

The 4 stroke will be heavier and cause even more stress.

I have since changed to the frame discussed just a short while ago today in a posting I made found in the URL below.
It has almost 1600 miles on the frame at the moment over more than 2.5 years now...In my 'personal opinion', this is the best frame you could get if working on a tight budget like I Bike Company Beach Cruiser, It's even more comfortable to ride than either the Huffy Beach Cruiser or the Nel Lusso BC.

Do you run a 4 stroke on yours?
NOPE, I'm still a 2'm just vouching for the more sturdy aspects of the Hyper over the Huffy after having both with my motors.

4 strokes being heavier would of course create even more stress on the frame so I thought I would mention my experience, at least as far as 2 strokes are concerned...This is my present Hyper bike here below with my very torquey Phantom 85 mounted on it.

Ps...The frame on my Huffy snapped with a much lower powered Seeutec 66cc mounted on it.


This is the town of Alamogordo, NM that I ride in daily including the mountain foot hills...If you scroll through the pics, you will see that I have a beautiful place to be riding in all year long including the winter times when most people can't ride due to snow and ice conditions along with bitter cold.

Hello all,

I’m considering buying a Huffy Cranbrook, my question is will it fit a 4 stroke engine, or if anyone else has suggestions on which bike they fit is appreciated.
Depends on your Budget, you can buy the Sportsman Flyer droploop frame or bicycle Made in the USA

If ya want a cool 4 stroke that'll kick azz

They have bigger 4 stroke engines too I like the 160cc
