just an observation of rider weight

True with all said!~ Lets see, I Have two bikes with 400 miles on both.They are both steel frames, and one with alloy wheels, and one with steel. I've never broken a spoke or messed a wheel up. Uno, it's all just common sense when it comes to riding. Uno, fragile can be a understatement with these little fellows, but if you ride them with any conscientiousness they will hold there own for quite a few miles.
FA --er,ah, BIG GUY HERE.

Very cool bike Hough. I always seem to be amazed at the talent I find on this site.
And yeah, I consider myself a BIG guy also. I kinda got the FAT guy handle when a friend of mine was setting up a phone for me and as a joke listed my user name as Fatdaddyred, So heck, I ran with it. Now my e-mail address is fatdaddyred@---. My business name is Fatdaddy's Motopeds, And my sign in name on the other site is fatdaddy. If I ever got skinny, (RIGHT,) I'd have to change all my names or everyone would be asking, HEY, skinny guy, Who's Fatdaddy?
Big Red. AKA fatdaddy.
At 220 lbs or so, I feel qualified to weigh in on this one. I think your observation that many forum members, like myself, are rotund, is valid. A few of us have donned the spandex and pedalled some serious training mileage on sub 20lbs road bikes. I think most of our members fall in to two demographics: Young guys that need cheap transportation and older fellows that want to tinker and customize. Of course, we have everything in between, in smaller numbers.
If you check some auto restoration forums, you will find a lot of big guys as well. Same goes for a lot of motorcycle sites.
This can be a fitness hobby. Motorizing a multi-speed bike can allow you to pedal at any speed. Maybe that is what I need to do.
Not sure whether to be offended here or not. Yes, some people are overweight just because they are lazy. But not everybody. I am 52, 6' 220, down from a high of over 280. It took over 2 years to lose that 60 pounds, because I cannot exercise like a lot of people can. I had to do it all with diet. I have had a right knee and right hip replacement, and have a degenerative muscle disease that will only get worse over time. I also have a metabolic problem which causes my metabolism to be really low, so what calories I do consume don't metabolize quickly, they stick around and turn into fat. It is an ongoing battle which I will eventually lose. I used to ride pedal bicycles all the time. No spandez or helmets, mostly cruisers and "comfort" bikes. But it has reached the point where I can no longer pedal enough to go anywhere on a regular bike, so I opted for a MB, so I can still enjoy riding a bicycle without having to pedal, other than to get started. And I DO own and ride a Goldwing, but that too will have to go at some point, as my legs will eventually become too weak to hold it up at stops.

There are a lot of "cyclists" around here, and I mean the Lance Armstrong type. Cycling is fine as a sport, IF you are physically fit and in good health. These people think that everybody should be in the same condition they are in, and that is simply not going to happen. I even read a lot of complaining about electric bikes on environmental and "tree hugger sites. Even though they have no emissions, people can't seem to get over the fact that not everyone can pedal, and constantly complain about this being the reason why most everyone is overweight. For those who can pedal for long distances and at high speeds, great. I hope you never lose that ability. But understand that not everybody has that ability.
Thanks for choosing not to be offended. No offense intended. I was merely stating widely known US statistics. This is not a "fat bashing" or judgmental thread. Everyone has their personal challenges, and we all cope the best we can...myself included.

Guys, I see point with the weight thing. Uno, it doesn't take a wiz to figure that weight does play part with a 42 waist/37 inseam. I've got solution...................

Check this out?!~COKER BIG BIKES.COM

PS: I am 6' 7" as well..............
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My friend and coworker, Mark, was one of those spandex road bike riders. He'd do 20 miles in the morning as his daily workout. He'd travel to go on 300+ mile weekend "rides" with other bicyclists. The one he was most proud of having completed many consecutive years was called the "Death Ride" because of the mountainous route and enormous altitude changes. Mark would get on my case and urge me to give up my cigars because they would eventually kill me. Mark was in far better physical shape than me or my other coworkers.

Last January Mark was on a typical weekend ride with a friend out to the Red Rock Canyon scenic loop. On the way back he said he wasn't feeling well and had to stop. Mark died there on the shoulder of the road. Massive heart failure. His fellow rider was a doctor and despite his best efforts he couldn't revive Mark. He was 51 years old.

I don't know if there's a moral to this story but it made me realize that you can eat right, exercise daily and die anyway. I'm taking a little extra fuel with me the next time and riding the Red Rock Canyon scenic loop this January in memory of my friend Mark.
Rest in peace, Mark.

Don't wait for a holiday or vacation time to enjoy yourself. All it takes is a few seconds to enjoy your "dessert".

Enjoy..... every day.

Hey suitcase, I'm SURE no one meant to offend. And I know a little of what you're going through. (Where to start?) Let's see now, Two heart attacks, Congestive heart failure, COPD, Diabetes with nerve death at feet and hands. High blood pressure, Irregular heartbeat,ect. And that's not even saying anything about all the motorcycle injuries on my ankles, legs and back.
There's NO WAY I'm gonna peddle a bicycle 20 miles, let alone to the corner and back. I'm 6' 230lbs and I don't see myself losing any weight before I die. I used to ride the big ones till I figured out that If I droped it I couldn't pick it up again. So, Thank God I found motorized Bicycles. I can still get bugs in my teeth, and if I drop it, No big deal.
Big Red.