Not sure whether to be offended here or not. Yes, some people are overweight just because they are lazy. But not everybody. I am 52, 6' 220, down from a high of over 280. It took over 2 years to lose that 60 pounds, because I cannot exercise like a lot of people can. I had to do it all with diet. I have had a right knee and right hip replacement, and have a degenerative muscle disease that will only get worse over time. I also have a metabolic problem which causes my metabolism to be really low, so what calories I do consume don't metabolize quickly, they stick around and turn into fat. It is an ongoing battle which I will eventually lose. I used to ride pedal bicycles all the time. No spandez or helmets, mostly cruisers and "comfort" bikes. But it has reached the point where I can no longer pedal enough to go anywhere on a regular bike, so I opted for a MB, so I can still enjoy riding a bicycle without having to pedal, other than to get started. And I DO own and ride a Goldwing, but that too will have to go at some point, as my legs will eventually become too weak to hold it up at stops.
There are a lot of "cyclists" around here, and I mean the Lance Armstrong type. Cycling is fine as a sport, IF you are physically fit and in good health. These people think that everybody should be in the same condition they are in, and that is simply not going to happen. I even read a lot of complaining about electric bikes on environmental and "tree hugger sites. Even though they have no emissions, people can't seem to get over the fact that not everyone can pedal, and constantly complain about this being the reason why most everyone is overweight. For those who can pedal for long distances and at high speeds, great. I hope you never lose that ability. But understand that not everybody has that ability.