I don't know her, she loved my Whizzer, she was sweet and dressed to KillI really hope you didn't wed that vampire chick. Decent but that mouth. Jesus Christ.
To tell ya the truth that Vampire Chick was alot of fun. Her funky smile just added to her personalityI can't do black mouth. Just can't. But I get your point lmao
She can suck my...... blood any day!!! lolTo tell ya the truth that Vampire Chick was alot of fun. Her funky smile just added to her personality
She was on her way to go buy some goldfish and put em in her shoes
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She is sexy!!! Curvy, in a tight " green" dress, slightly goth, man now that's hot in my book.I knew that question would come up... the girl I meant. Tats and what not. Not my thing.
Also look at her mouth. Blackness and teeth. Vampire.
Well it was a little tricky at times. Sometimes I couldn't ride on the highway andThen you must have some neat pics of this...No one goes to Sturgis with their bike and not take a few pics of the event, especially riding with the Harley riders...lol...Just saying.
Ok, so it wasn't, "Just Got Back From Sturgis On My Chopper MB!!", but was actually,
We need to see pics of the babes thoughWell it was a little tricky at times. Sometimes I couldn't ride on the highway and
had to ride the shoulder. You understand. But the babes loved my bike. They
never saw anything like it. Totally originally, one of a kind, not just another