Kings Belt Drive

Does anybody have an extra drive sprocket that I can tool around with?
Maybe and old and worn one or one from a blown motor.
Can the Kings engine accept a belt drive system? I can easily design and build a rearend to accept belt drive, but am unsure about the engine. If anybody has done please. Thanks

check with carbon drive for belt drive they have Gates belts designed for bikes.
What's the shaft diameter?

What's the drive shaft diameter of that King's engine? Maybe a stock pulley would fit.
I f you try to go belt without a jack shaft or reduction box, your gear ratio is going to be wayyy outta wack unless you use a rear pully about the size of the rear tire and/or a front pulley so small `(2'') that it will slip no matter how tightly adjusted..
These are facts not assumptions.

Heres a solution :

Theres other solutions . this is just my solution

leave your drivesprocket where it is.
remove your reat sprocket
get a 5 inch pulley (steel, aluminum is pretty but it will fail)
get one witha center hub or you will be buiyong one and welding it on
get a 10 '' axle to fit the pulley and 2 bolt down steady bearings ,
get a 10 inch pulley and mount to rear wheel the way you did the sprocket but you will have to make the the mounting hardware
or make a tight fitting disk that sits just inside the rim and both that to rings on other side of spokes . make the rings . this puts all the pressure on the spoke tighteners instad of just the spokes
mount your axle bearings to a rack use spacers to align your sprocket 'pulley combo up . install belt and chain and have fun.

drill and moumt your pulley and sprocket together using a 1/4 '' spacer between .
make the spacer smaller than the sprocket so to aloww for chain clearance.
the concavity of your sprocket wikk determine how wide a spacer you need. aslong as you end up with approx 1'4 inch when they are mounted


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a couple more pics of belt drives i've built


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yup...the "jackshaft" is the perfect place to make final gearing adjustments, too :)

man, those bike's are lookin' mighty haggard ;)
(blast from the past? hehe)
"....Get a bicycle. You will not regret it. If you live." - Mark Twain
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I f you try to go belt without a jack shaft or reduction box, your gear ratio is going to be wayyy outta wack

What's the difference between a sprocket and a toothed or smooth pulley?

It's their diameters that count as far as gear reduction goes.

Lemme know if I'm missing something here. LOL.

You are right Bean oil, Its only the touching diameters that count so you can stay with the same size pullies as the sprockets. Rmember, the happy times are already reduced 4:1 on the gearing.
second that...gearing isn't really about gears at all.

about using belt on a happy-time: if i was going that route, i'd get some Golden Eagle components and play around...small drive gears that could be adapted to output shaft, very flexible but strong belt, etc...
"....Get a bicycle. You will not regret it. If you live." - Mark Twain
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