do not order from them they rip you off... AKA Worst customer service ever!


New Member
Local time
11:44 AM
Sep 2, 2019
Canada BC - Fraiser Valley
kingsmotorbikes ripped me off i spent $750.00 CAD on there shark pro racing 5hp motor kit... they sent me a box that looks like they used to rummage through for parts n gave me what was left.. missing piston & rings air filter head gasket and the exaust pipe with expantion chamber they sent with it doesnt even fit it would have to be bent to fit... i emailed and called them about it all they had to say was... it was there when we shipped it we are not sending any parts... so i opened a better buisness berau file on them they did not even respond to them so they screwed me... i had to spend another $35.00 CAD on a piston and g-lock cliips...and i bought them from who have never screwed up an order and always have good customer service but not much for upgraded parts... and still have to find the proper oko air filter with 45 digree angle rubber attachment that will end up costing me another 20-$40.00 CAD... if anyone knows where to get this air filter and angle piece please let me know and if anyone has any other ideas how to make it known how this company doesnt stand behind there products and will not send any parts if there missing when you get the kit... also they refused to rteturn the kit said i had it for over 30 days.... they may have shipped it over 30 days ago by time i emailed them i only had the kit for 1 hr
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Sorry to hear about your bad experience with kings. I bought a jackshaft from them and it took forever for them to ship it and wouldn't respond to emails or phone calls. If you're in Canada has good prices and service.
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Sorry to hear about your bad experience with kings. I bought a jackshaft from them and it took forever for them to ship it and wouldn't respond to emails or phone calls. If you're in Canada has good prices and service.
yea i bought my jackshaft from i usually buy most my parts fom there zoombycicles is also pretty good if you are only looking for standard parts but for the high end parts i usually go to i havent found to many that have good high end parts bikeberry has some alright ones but dont get there jackshaft kit i had to file all the teeth on the sprocket so it would fit my chain sickbikeparts one just install n go
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i've had these guys send me parts i ordered at such an extreme discount, i knew it was a typo. i still took advantage of it. lol. they sent every single pipe i ordered for 30 bucks total and free shipping. an because they fulfilled the orders with out a single problem, i do business with them to this day. they haven't sent me one bad part or screwed up a single order of mine. i feel like the luckiest man alive in these forums. i hear so much bad about these companies and my orders are all good. makes me wonder what y'alls emails and calls to them sound like. ik if a customer came to my shop and started talking trash to me, i'd tell 'em gtfo i don't need your pennies.
I was nothing but polite to gasbike. Never even sent them a harshly-worded email after they screwed up my order.

They still screwed me out of part of my order. They owe me about $50. What irks me tho, is people that still order from them, knowing that they've screwed so many people over. Thanks for supporting the companies that screw over your fellow motorbicyclers :rolleyes:
I was nothing but polite to gasbike. Never even sent them a harshly-worded email after they screwed up my order.

They still screwed me out of part of my order. They owe me about $50. What irks me tho, is people that still order from them, knowing that they've screwed so many people over. Thanks for supporting the companies that screw over your fellow motorbicyclers :rolleyes:

i order from those who treat me right. an with how much i spend on these bikes each year, i'm not gonna buy from someone tht burns me. i've not had any problems with these guys at all. an i order directly from them. i was very leery on my first order from them, but had no problems with any order. i hear bad things about every company out there. if i wasn't to buy from a company just because someone else is mad at them, i'd have to build a factory to make them myself. an well i don't have millions of dollars to build a factory to make 2 stroke china dolls. when ordering, always use a middle man to pay tht will cover you if anything happens. paypal, ebay, amazon pay, etc. you get screwed they make the company make it right or they refuse to work with them. an any business owner knows those giant companies help you rake in the cash.
Not everyone has the means to use 3rd party companies to help protect them from small purchases from big companies, nor should they actually need them. Gasbike has been nickel-and-diming fellow MBers for years, so I say to hell with giving them my business. You go ahead and do you.

Meanwhile, thanks for supporting the companies that screw over your fellow motorbicyclers :rolleyes:
I never was rude to them either just asked them to simply send me the missing air filter and head gasket and piston and rings I had the rest of the parts that were missing from my kit from my previous builds... they refused to send it stating it was there when they shipped it when clearly they weren't or I wouldn't be asking for them... It took me 4 months to figure out what piston would fit and order it from zoombikes instead so I had to go for months and still today it is not complete ordering a air filter and the other parts postal lost them now am waiting for new ones to come and to top it off the exaust they sent with it was not fully bent to fit properly by a tiny bit it touches the head and can't fully tighten it with the bolts even with 2 gaskets in the exhaust... I didn't even bother mention g that to them after the service they already shown and shows how much they respect and value a repeat customer.... That was the 2nd and last thing I'll ever buy from them
Not everyone has the means to use 3rd party companies to help protect them from small purchases from big companies, nor should they actually need them. Gasbike has been nickel-and-diming fellow MBers for years, so I say to hell with giving them my business. You go ahead and do you.

Meanwhile, thanks for supporting the companies that screw over your fellow motorbicyclers :rolleyes:

they ain't screwing me over. sorry you got burned. they have never burned me. an if they did, i'm pretty sure they wouldn't enjoy my buddy on retainer. an yes you can use third party, most of those companies accept paypal and amazon pay, etc. if your not using them, it all falls on you. cheap insurance in a shady world. an if you are tht worried, almost all of them are on ebay and amazon. they burn you on those site and the big dog bites their heads off and lets them go, then makes it right with you. an trust me, those site rake in the cash like no other. they won't even dare lose the kind of bank those sites bring them. ik, i sell on them too. easy way to make big money fast.

an kings is even on walmarts site, they burn you on walmart site, same thing, walmart would dump them. to much money involved for them to be purposely burning people. i think a lot of y'all with problems need to understand it's only humans doing the work and they do make errors. 99% of the time a short clip of you unpacking your item sent to them to prove you got screwed, would solve it quick. these companies deal with thousands of people and tons of people trying to scam them. running a business isn't as easy as, oh you had a prob, here's some free stuff. to many scammers, and if you come off sounding like a scammer, they ain't gonna do anything for you at all. next purchase from any company tht is a bit pricey ( more than a few dollars) have someone record you opening the package. that way you have video evidence to prove to them you are missing pieces or the item was damaged. hard to refute video evidence. plus it lets the seller know you're not some scam artist. i pack all my shipments by hand, by myself, so i know when someone is trying to scam me. i have on film all my shipments being pack, and i keep it for 90days. same for when i open packages and crates, all on film for proof. haven't needed it yet, but i still do it. i spend way to much to be burned.
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