Crashes Life after traumatic brain injury...SO YA DON'T WEAR A HELMET?!?!

The best helmet is the one you wear while riding. Just because you never get to test it doesn't automatically mean it's being worn... Actually never wearing it almost guarantees never testing it, and at some point that can become a permanent fact too should you be unlucky enough.

Happy I got to test my helmet, at least I know that it may have stopped me from dying twice, and almost definitely once, I know exactly what model to buy when time comes to replace it. Haha!
One other tip...
Never buy a used helmet, and buy a new helmet in the event it is ever put to use protecting your head in an accident please...

A helmet, like a condom, is only good for a one time use and degrade in quality over time.
Sure you can carry it around on your head or in your wallet for years, but they are both one use items with an expiration date.

If you are confused on which to put where you should not be doing either activity they both protect you from harm while doing anyway! hehehe ;-}

Come to think of it, my shop is due for a new helmet and I think I'll take care of that today.
One other tip...
Never buy a used helmet, and buy a new helmet in the event it is ever put to use protecting your head in an accident please...

A helmet, like a condom, is only good for a one time use and degrade in quality over time.
Sure you can carry it around on your head or in your wallet for years, but they are both one use items with an expiration date.

If you are confused on which to put where you should not be doing either activity they both protect you from harm while doing anyway! hehehe ;-}

Come to think of it, my shop is due for a new helmet and I think I'll take care of that today.
One time use if you don't have it inspected and given the green light for a second go around... Not even certain it could "expire" with today's new age materials, maybe if we still wore these our helmets could actualy have a shelf life.