I'm partial to NKG's for small engines. Most m/c OEM plugs are NGK if Japanese. Cars, I'm a believer in using OEM plugs. Plugs in a lot of motors are a bear to change. Do it once and done for 100k. A lot of pro mechanics say to use OEM designed for the motor. Plugs not designed for the application can cause issues.
I changed them on one, and, as per the manual, I had to take all the top engine mounts completely off, and lean the entire engine forward with a ratchet strap to be able to access the back plugs.
I changed them on one, and, as per the manual, I had to take all the top engine mounts completely off, and lean the entire engine forward with a ratchet strap to be able to access the back plugs.
I bought OEM Harley Davidson S/P for my 2022 Harley and their Made in India
Maintenance schedule says to change S/P every 30k miles,
My Harley takes 4 S/P - 2 per cyl
S/P gap specs .031" - .035"
Plugs were at and over the max specs .035" I set the gap @ .033"
Manual says to check the S/P gap before installing, So I guess I can't complain
I bought NGK S/P for my Yamaha and they were always gaped correctly
I just might switch to NGK S/P for my Harley
I changed them on one, and, as per the manual, I had to take all the top engine mounts completely off, and lean the entire engine forward with a ratchet strap to be able to access the back plugs.
I would charge someone right out the 'Whazoo" to tune-up vehicles like that because I really had zero interest in even touching a vehicle so badly engineered that it required dealerships to usually do the job...I could do it too, I just didn't want to...lol....lol...lol.