long ride and now what?

Air leak would have made it go leaner,loose jet richer yes but when i changed it after that run it was tight. so junk in the tank i think would deplete the carb and then go lean if not ample flow,it ran for an hour each way no problem always had bottom end torque,and i took the fuel that i got on the rez out thru the pet cock and fuel line flow was normal its not that.the weather did change but like 7 degree drop but yesterdays temp was 18.5 c i went down two jets and same outcome.like I said its puzzling!if my air filters flow rate changed from dust and sand on the side of the road clogging it up would make it richer going to clean it maybe ill get lucky thanks for helping ill post results if any lol.
Just curious if you checked the compression yet.
Not yet because the compression on start up feels the same,but i will check it Wednesday hopefully gotta do a job out of town for a couple days,I was thinking that if the rings are worn that there would be blow by evident in cylinder and on piston but none evident and all looks good.
You got your hands on a weird one. In the twenty min. refuel and cool down everything went from running like a top to dogging beyond 3/4 throttle. The only thing that changed at the stop was fuel, and you already addressed that issue. I'm dying to know.
Yup best puzzle i have had in quite some time!I am still thinking the plug weakened some how to not support the top end but not sure,but makes sense to me lol.
I agree. this on is a brain twister. Like you I would start with the easiest and cheapest possible
solution, and eliminate progressively from there.
I had one a while back. New engine, had spark, compression, fuel. Wouldn't start. It had me baffled. I don't know why I thought of this, but I took a magnet from a engine I knew ran and checked it with the one on the non running engine. The polarity was reversed. Weirdest thing I have trouble shot so far. Changed out the magnet and it ran like a top.
Well now I am thinking the rings are worn!And I know that alot of people say that the higher cr kills these little engines but i like to play hard!anyway my compression is 132 psi and has dropped a fair bit.I was talking it over with an old racing buddy also an amazing engine builder! and he reminded me that at the start off to much wear and the change of cr now leaves it fat in the top for how finely its tuned.
I agree. this on is a brain twister. Like you I would start with the easiest and cheapest possible
solution, and eliminate progressively from there.
I had one a while back. New engine, had spark, compression, fuel. Wouldn't start. It had me baffled. I don't know why I thought of this, but I took a magnet from a engine I knew ran and checked it with the one on the non running engine. The polarity was reversed. Weirdest thing I have trouble shot so far. Changed out the magnet and it ran like a top.
That was a good find brother!
Well now I am thinking the rings are worn!And I know that alot of people say that the higher cr kills these little engines but i like to play hard!anyway my compression is 132 psi and has dropped a fair bit.I was talking it over with an old racing buddy also an amazing engine builder! and he reminded me that at the start off to much wear and the change of cr now leaves it fat in the top for how finely its tuned.
Set of rings and maybe a new jug ain't so bad. Then it's back to burning up the streets.
For sure!that jug has served me well!and set up run clean lovin it! i have two engines being preped right now any way,four cranks just got separated for me. Now i can cut the rods and have them trued when reassembled, next season is going to be fun!I have started planting the seed to get guys to come out to the track to race for real! need that bug to bite and get me some races up here lol.