Making and Burning Ethanol

  • Thread starter Thread starter thatsdax
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Here is a very interesting article about what is needed to produce a gallon of Ethanol. I am not sure how many people are aware of this. Here is the link to the Article. . And.. Remember.. Oil is not the enemy.. Enjoy the ride..

Very interesting. I didn't know that. It would take up the whole land area of the US to make enough ethenol to put in every car. Dang. We MUST find some alternative energy.
Yes but how much land would we need to put ethanol in everyone's motoredbike see that is the question here!
Ethanol is a big fraud perpetuated by Archer Daniels Midland and proponents of farm subsidies. All this push for ethanol has done is caused corn to double in price increasing feedstock costs and increased cost of food for everyone.

The answer to our countries fuel needs is biomass fuel production...using biomass (anything such as grass animal byproducts, animal waste, or any dead biological material) to product methane and using a gas to liquid conversion (Fischer-Tropsch process) process to obtain a clean renewable resource.

Gotta go, need to turn on every light in my house to protest "earth hour" Raising awareness never solves any problems and only makes those participating "feel good".
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The real problem is that corn is the wrong crop to use. A MUCH better crop is sugar cane. Squeeze the sap out of the cane, add yeast, and ferment. Then distill. The alcohol yield per acre is MUCH higher than corn. Plus, you can extract the sap close to the farms, and pump it to where you need it...
To get serious for a second, no crop by itself will ever be enough.
When this country takes it's head out of it's ***, and becomes the world leader in Cellulosic ethanol, we will have more than enough, and we will assist other nations to do the same. Not a fantasy, but a real possibility. Iran will have to make money some other way, like weaving nice rugs.
Considering that there is 500 years worth of coal left, and coal can be made into petrol, propane, diesel. Right now fuel price are too high. £5 (10$) a gallon in the U.K. Wether global warming is real or not I don't know. I'm more of a skeptic nowerdays. Whetever happens will become clear in the next 10 years.

I saw something on the tube last night stating nearly the same thing but they also mentioned how much water it takes to produce ethanol and with our drought situations, how it could be calamitous to dwindling water resources...according to Nostradamus and some native american tribes and other tribal peoples around the world, we have until about 2012 to get our collective @#%& together in which case we won't need petroleum or ethanol; just sayin'!