Large Filipino
I Searched for a thread similar to this but I strangely didn't find anything close.
I'm just curious to your thoughts about our price of gas going up and up and how it impacts or benefits our hobby and for some,way of life.
Here's my thoughts. I wish really that gas would surpass 10 dollars an hour. Think about this. Less cars on the road. More tiny cars on the road. More people looking at this hobby. Already this hobby is growing fast.
Less cars on the road would probably also mean that maybe we can stay away from the bike trails for our roads may get a bit safer....maybe.
America. We have gotten pretty spoiled with many many years of cheap gas.
We've built Muscle cars that drink gas with big blocks and we drive huge SUV's while Europe has the smallest car in the world run by a 50cc moped engine and their best seller is that Smart car and that ugly car you see in Bean with the three wheels along with the Mini Cooper. There are even some countries where the number of bikes surpass the number of cars.
It's gonna happen. Soon big trucks while they're still mass producing them will not get sold....that's already happening.
Right now (and this is why I have this in this forum and not the white zone) Legislation is a guessing game when it comes to these bikes. Some states say this is a moped. Others say this is a motored assist bike. Some say you cannot ride this bike on the bike trails. Others say an electric bike is okay. Our laws around these bikes are based solely on the people's reactions to them. If enough voters say these are mopeds,then ride on the same street with speeding death cars. And that's the key. ENOUGH VOTERS.
You can write to your Congressman,but he's gonna ignore your plea for even he doesn't know what you are talking about.
This is why I PRAY for 10 dollar a gallon gas. When gas becomes too expensive for all then more will learn about this hobby. More will see the benefits and SAFETY in riding the bike trails over riding next to cell phone more important than your eyes on the road death car drivers. And in turn maybe we'll have ENOUGH VOTERS to vote that a motor assist bike is a bicycle and should be treated as such.
Then we can rejoice with the roadies. The sky will become clearer.Entire species of animals we had thought to be extinct will come back.
But on the other hand,less cars mean less registration money for the state. Less insurance premiums to cover Paris Hilton crashing into you she's the only person that can afford to still drive.
So that may mean were gonna get special plates so the state can make some money off of us again.
So what are your thoughts?
I'm just curious to your thoughts about our price of gas going up and up and how it impacts or benefits our hobby and for some,way of life.
Here's my thoughts. I wish really that gas would surpass 10 dollars an hour. Think about this. Less cars on the road. More tiny cars on the road. More people looking at this hobby. Already this hobby is growing fast.
Less cars on the road would probably also mean that maybe we can stay away from the bike trails for our roads may get a bit safer....maybe.
America. We have gotten pretty spoiled with many many years of cheap gas.
We've built Muscle cars that drink gas with big blocks and we drive huge SUV's while Europe has the smallest car in the world run by a 50cc moped engine and their best seller is that Smart car and that ugly car you see in Bean with the three wheels along with the Mini Cooper. There are even some countries where the number of bikes surpass the number of cars.
It's gonna happen. Soon big trucks while they're still mass producing them will not get sold....that's already happening.
Right now (and this is why I have this in this forum and not the white zone) Legislation is a guessing game when it comes to these bikes. Some states say this is a moped. Others say this is a motored assist bike. Some say you cannot ride this bike on the bike trails. Others say an electric bike is okay. Our laws around these bikes are based solely on the people's reactions to them. If enough voters say these are mopeds,then ride on the same street with speeding death cars. And that's the key. ENOUGH VOTERS.
You can write to your Congressman,but he's gonna ignore your plea for even he doesn't know what you are talking about.
This is why I PRAY for 10 dollar a gallon gas. When gas becomes too expensive for all then more will learn about this hobby. More will see the benefits and SAFETY in riding the bike trails over riding next to cell phone more important than your eyes on the road death car drivers. And in turn maybe we'll have ENOUGH VOTERS to vote that a motor assist bike is a bicycle and should be treated as such.
Then we can rejoice with the roadies. The sky will become clearer.Entire species of animals we had thought to be extinct will come back.
But on the other hand,less cars mean less registration money for the state. Less insurance premiums to cover Paris Hilton crashing into you she's the only person that can afford to still drive.
So that may mean were gonna get special plates so the state can make some money off of us again.
So what are your thoughts?