Motorize Bicycle Police Chase You Can Do it & Win!

I feel like people have been really serious on this particular thread. I think you all need to take a deep breath.. get your shakerahs back in lined.
You left a drunken voicemail on Neil's phone. You can't erase that.

I like how you think a drunken voicemail is a big deal. First you say it's crying, then you switch it up. Make up your mind when you make stuff up.

You don't actually know anything about me except what you heard from a guy who doesn't like me. You sure like to be his parrot - squawking about nothing.

Guy who dislikes me and crackhead homeless ballswinger jerking eachother off about how mad I make them. LOL @ both you guys! :LOL:

Almost sounds like you are describing yourself again. At least I admit to my past, that was 15 years ago. You are embarrassed of your recent ( couple year max, with backslides) addiction.

I never smoked crack. I'm not that stupid. That makes one of us. As for drinking too much, I bet you do more of that than I do. I haven't had a drink in 8 months.

Can you say the same? You don't have a leg to stand on with me, kiddo. Not at all. You presume to read my mind - that's gotta be crackhead logic.

SMH. I'd feel sorry for you two if I thought you deserved something as compassionate as pity. All I see is weakness and that brings out the wolf in me.
That would be beyond epic. One of us would turn out to be a reptile.
Any comment inspectorcritic?
Is that a picture of lizard obama
That's Zoobama and you should hear how he got his name in Zoowaii a stubborn man at a Zoowaiian Punch Fistivale refused to die promise to visit every island to give everyone a chance to kill him he cheats no one.
Inbetween counting out loud every punch and kick casualty keeps on asking for Osaka (sin-say) out loud one native stops the party for a minute says we like the name do you have a shadow name we can use for reference?
Yes, then turns around slams his fist through another natives head while shouting OBAMA! And continued on.
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After that happened his birth certificate shot from a volcano and landed with the 9 11 hijacker passports on top of the rubble.