Motorized bicycle spark plug flamethrower mod

You guys really off topic right now.
As I tell every new forum member...Most of us never mind if our threads go "Off Topic", in fact most of us enjoy the comic

If you desire to have your threads that you have started to always be on topic, just let me know and I will delete all Off Topic postings on any of your threads that you have started.
The answer was provided quite a while ago. So rather than beat a dead horse the comments devolve into comedy. Gear head comedy but still.
So I'll repeat. Run a small copper line from the fuel tank to a bung welded into the exhaust. Don't forget a valve. Get it good and hot, turn the valve on, running some fuel into the exhaust, she'll blow flames out the pipe.
Do not try this at home.
Being off topic is the current American way! If you have heard our current president and vice president during one of their so called speeches you would understand!

That's worse than off topic...You either get senility ramblings or a word salad, either which is

At least off topic stuff is understood and can be quit last 4 years of that aforementioned crap hasn't been fun or humourous at