Kimbo (Kim Bryan, the reporter) says she had the contact info at the bottom, but somehow it got sliced.
The article went national, and inquiries are coming through her e-mail, which she has to foward to me. I think she's as frustrated about the contact info as me.....
For the past week there have been folks appearing in the driveway at all times of the day, armed with nothing but the article and no idea where I lived.
One guy said it took an hour to get close, then 40 minutes to get specific.
BUT, I'm pretty sure is at the end of the video they did. My lousy dialup connection has made it impossible to watch, my viewing ability stops right at the end of the driveway (maybe 15 seconds).
That is why I request one (
or preferably many) of you internet savvy folks to help me out and upload it to YouTube.
I've never even been to YouTube, so just can't git er dun.
If you guys/gals would do that for me,
paste all over the thing.
Like I said, I haven't seen it in it's entirety, the photog was here an hour, and two of my bikes have Tom's stickers on them, so I thought it would show up somewhere/somehow.