I have a 4 stroke Heushen starfire 50cc Motor on a beach cruiser (micargri Rover) and a 80cc (66cc really) 2 Stroke Gen2 Skyhawk motor on a mountain bike.
I just got my 4 stroke working last night and took it for its maiden run. It has a 50t Sprocket and the 2 stroke has a 44t Sprocket. Wow. The 4 stroke was soo much faster. I didnt have a speedo but I Think i was getting 35mp/h. When I only get 25mp/h on my 2 stroke.
The only issue i have with the 4 stroke is the engine is big. and i dont htink ill get away with it if a police pulls me up and i try and tell him its only 200watts (australias legal limit)
I just got my 4 stroke working last night and took it for its maiden run. It has a 50t Sprocket and the 2 stroke has a 44t Sprocket. Wow. The 4 stroke was soo much faster. I didnt have a speedo but I Think i was getting 35mp/h. When I only get 25mp/h on my 2 stroke.
The only issue i have with the 4 stroke is the engine is big. and i dont htink ill get away with it if a police pulls me up and i try and tell him its only 200watts (australias legal limit)