Got a already broken in KingsMotor 80cc engine from craigslist. The seller was nice and showed me everything. He also did some mods (I wouldn't be able to tell you, sorry, not good with motors) that supposedly gives more torque to lower speeds, for better starts and hill climbing.
I put it on a bike, that, when I got it, continually and aggresively fought with me. When I replaced one part, another broke off. for about 2 months. by the end of that time, the bike had mismatched tires, no pedals, stripped threads in the pedal bars. So I said "F*** it." and decided to strap a motor on it. Been wanting the kingsmotor for months, and found the ad on craigslist for about 60$
Guess I got a good deal, whenever I have an issue with the engine, I can call the seller and get answer fast, or ask around here, you guys are great.
I want to add some kind of bright front light, preferably in the same style as the Whizzer motorbikes. I love that look. plus turn signals of some kind and brake light. maybe with a seperate battery pack or something. Also, thick whitewall tires and black fenders.
Any info anyone has on doing any of that can leave it for me to read.
I'm glad I found this community, It's pretty awesome, You guys rock!
I put it on a bike, that, when I got it, continually and aggresively fought with me. When I replaced one part, another broke off. for about 2 months. by the end of that time, the bike had mismatched tires, no pedals, stripped threads in the pedal bars. So I said "F*** it." and decided to strap a motor on it. Been wanting the kingsmotor for months, and found the ad on craigslist for about 60$
Guess I got a good deal, whenever I have an issue with the engine, I can call the seller and get answer fast, or ask around here, you guys are great.
I want to add some kind of bright front light, preferably in the same style as the Whizzer motorbikes. I love that look. plus turn signals of some kind and brake light. maybe with a seperate battery pack or something. Also, thick whitewall tires and black fenders.
Any info anyone has on doing any of that can leave it for me to read.
I'm glad I found this community, It's pretty awesome, You guys rock!