my Deviate

this is my Deviate
it is finally ready after more than 2 months of planning and waiting
I made a custom motor mount and added another mount for a stingray to mount engine , I needed 5 (FIVE !) rubber spacers to clear rear 3" tire,
I am running a heavy-duty BMX chain for the engine, I got a sturmey-archer front drum brake wheel built, AZVinnie made a custom 12v lighting sytem with modded driving light housing to fit a lower wattage bulb, and I made a battery holder for a UB1250 battery(12v 5ah), custom exhaust made from a chopper pipe and a section added from a bent handlebar (those drum brakes have a LOT of torque !)
i got one question for ya whare did you get that frount saddle back ive been looking for one?
i am running a 48 tooth I have a 44 but wanted ease of take-off over top end I am a 46 yo grampa and now favor comfort over speed (thats why I sold my Haro and built a chopper) :D :D
i like the 44t its really good take off and really good speed i do 38.7mph top it. how fast have you gone?