Hi all, some of you have probably seen me floating around the forums a bit, and to all who have helped me in my venture (special shout-out to DAMIEN1307) thank you so so much, I couldn’t have gotten to where I am without y’alls help!
Actually not too bad...ive been using the Dashboard 150 speedo for over 5 years now and its quite accurate...it was 15 bucks 5 years ago, now its 25 bucks...lol...DAMIEN
You could be going lean at top speed, they call it something? But instead of 4 stroking your actually going lean. Some of the others might chime in, I'm new to these 2 strokes as well.
It's called a lean surge. It's very close in feel to 4 stroking. An you should be 4 stroking at WOT on flat land, if you aren't then you're to lean. If you aren't, when you hit wind or grades, your engine is now running lean and mean. Feels great, till its time to pay the price.
Karl, he is using a 68 jet right now and needle valve is 2nd notch from the top at this moment....That exhaust system is not stock and needs "tuning" for that particular exhaust i think.
Yeah, you want a little 4 stroke at the top, when on flat land. Now if you're in a strong head wind ( 20 mph plus) or tackling a huge hill, it shouldn't 4 stroke. unless you have it in the wrong gear for the grade, since you are jack shafted. What you are feeling at the top is the pipe petering out, and the harmonics going all outta whack.