Carby Need Help with Carb Identification

yeah you can buy smaller (or bigger) jets from s.b.p.
they are dellorto jets, but they will screw into the stock old style n.t. carbs.
the threads have a slighly different pitch so they will screw in hard...but they will screw in and out with out messing up the threads in the carb (they did for me anyway).
I have a variety of the delorto jets laying here that i probaboy won't ever use.
I can let you knwo what sizes i have if you are interested in buying them from me.
I will sell them to you for $2.00 each plus postage if you are interested. s.b.p. sells them for $3.49 each plus shipping

Thanks Moto, I,ll take you up on that as soon as I figure out what size I need. I found them at SBP after a google search that put me on to that other site.
I guess the stock size is 0.70, But I don't know how much smaller to go from there. In your opinion, what is the very smallest I should try? If I go real small I could always enlarge it but I'm afraid I couldn't get it like factory.
Look through your stuff and see if you have a .60mm, .64mm and a .68mm. I'll buy all three if you do. But first I want to hear back from you about just how small I can try. If you think a .60mm is way too small then I'll take your word for it.
All this time my motor was 4-stroking and I had no idea what the heck was wrong untill I saw your link. Thanks again for that. :bowdown: I've never had this problem before.
Big Red.
ok, i'll look and see exactly what jets i have.
I'm pretty sure that i have from .60 up to .76 or something.
I had to use a .72 in one of my carbs, and a .74 in one of my other carbs.
When i get home from work, i will look and see exactly which jets i have and let you know.

As far as what jet to start with...that's a ****-shoot. No 2 engines /carbs will work the same with the same jet. Lets say that one engine runs great with a .74 jet in it. An identical engine, with similar mileage, and in the same area of the country may be too rich with a .74 in it, and it may require a .68 to run good. No 2 engines run the same and no 2 carbs work exactly the same. So it's hard for me to advise you on what jet woudl work best for your engine.
for example, one of my engines was running way lean with the stock .70 jet in it. I ended up having to go up to a .74 jet for it to run right. NORMALLY when you read is that the stock jet is too rich, and you need to lean it out.
well, mine was the opposite and the .70 jet was too lean.

Lets guess that your jet is a .70 right now, and it's 4 stroking.
I would drop down to like a .68 to start with. Whenever you are trying to lean out the air fuel ratio by re-jetting, it's best to change the jets in very small increments.
you don't want to go from a .70 down to a .60 right off the bat because a SMALL change in the jet size can give huge results.
you need to figure out the current jet size and then work down in jets sizes in steps until it runs the best.

Thanks Bro,
as far as I know the stock size is .70mm. I don't have any way to confirm that right now. I still would like to try the .68mm, a .66mm and a .64mm.
PM me and let me know what the postage is on that.
Big Red.

Hey Moto, I sent a P.M. to you but I want everyone to know what an enormous help you were to me. Got the jets today and can't wait to try them.
It's just too hot today to work in my shop. Tonight after it cools off I'm screwing in a jet and taking my new baby for a ride. Wish me luck.
Big Red.