New engine

So I messed around with the carb the other day, took off the air filter and it ripped! Up to 35 no problem. Getting a performance filter soon, not sure why the stock one was so ridiculously restrictive
So I messed around with the carb the other day, took off the air filter and it ripped! Up to 35 no problem. Getting a performance filter soon, not sure why the stock one was so ridiculously restrictive
For now I'd cut out the black/red filter part to allow more airflow, or clean your filter. I just drill holes on it, but an exacto knife might make a better precise cut that allows more air.
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So I messed around with the carb the other day, took off the air filter and it ripped! Up to 35 no problem. Getting a performance filter soon, not sure why the stock one was so ridiculously restrictive
So I messed around with the carb the other day, took off the air filter and it ripped! Up to 35 no problem. Getting a performance filter soon, not sure why the stock one was so ridiculously restrictive
I think these engines were deliberately designed to be restricted. The more you dig into them, you'll find lots of places to open them up for better breathing without spending much money.
I have been having idle problems with my PK80. I cleaned the carb, changed the intake manifold to a billet shorty and added a performance air filter.
Still it won't idle. Thinking I'm going to have to change the needle clip to a a lower notch to get Moore fuel to air mixture.
I have been having idle problems with my PK80. I cleaned the carb, changed the intake manifold to a billet shorty and added a performance air filter.
Still it won't idle. Thinking I'm going to have to change the needle clip to a a lower notch to get Moore fuel to air mixture.
My experience is that they are too rich from the factory. Try putting the clip in the top notch. Also, try a mid #60s jet, always seems to make em more responsive.
Thanks. The engine idled worst with the new air filter. Also, if I turned the idle screw in to open the slide to increase the idle it would not speed up. If I turned it out the idle would increase, but only if I was giving it a little throttle to keep it running. That is why I'm thinking I'm getting to much air to fuel. I have to ride with the choke slightly on to get to top speed and the sweet spot.
Possible air leak in the intake that connects to the carb..I used an O-ring inside the Carb to help it not get air leaks. I got one from home Depot for like a buck or two for a bunch of them.