new here oakland ,ca

I read that they were?
Garage door chains are not 415 chain.

They may be 41 chain which works well with 2 and 4 stroke bike kits.

The only size difference between 415 and 41 chain is that 41 chain is
1/16" wider between the chain side plates at 1/4"

415 chain 1s 3/16" between the chain side plates.

415 chain is either extreme BMX chain or light motorcycle chain and
is not used in industrial applications.
I get lightly used residential garage door chain in 20 foot lengths from a buddy.
It is the same as single speed bicycle chain. I use it on my older Grubee 48's and a 55cc.

Does single speed bicycle chain have a number??

Industrial Garage doors use #41. (or #40?)
Bay area

Welcome to MB.c. Looks like ya learned something already. I know I learned a lot from this site. Keep coming back.
Big Red.
San Jose.