New jockey in the saddle

The deserts of the West are so pretty. I long for such scenery. There's something disturbing about not being able to see mountains a distance away in every direction.
You be looking in the wrong places kid.

The deserts of the West are so pretty. I long for such scenery. There's something disturbing about not being able to see mountains a distance away in every direction.
I feel ya, bud. I cant wait to take my bike to the Mojave out in Lake Havasu and ride around. The town is set up nice for bicycles and anything with the right lights on it is legal for the road out there without any grey areas. Out here in california where my main house is, I always worry a little bit when a cop pulls up next to me or behind me when Im in the bike lane but they dont seem to care because I dont look sketchy. Besides, by the letter of the book this thing is legal for now but laws in california change every 15 seconds it seems lol. Even the goodest boys find out they are breaking some law unknowingly.
Will also be fun to be able to ride around to the off road trails leading to the shooting spots with a black rifle on my back or my akm and my sig or glock on the hip and have it be totally legal while Im off to my outdoor shooting spot about 15 min from my lake house in arizona. Will be an interesting exp. Havent tried it yet on a bicycle or my motorcycles. Just never occurred to me but I figure its like a crazy ride at an amusement park I best try it while its still cool to do.
I just recently got tired of the all over the place digital speedo/odometer and went with an analog one and even opened it up and put the right KMs on it and I am much happier with the analog. It reads spot on with my gps speed and logs the right distance in KMs so I can keep up on my services for my little china doll built on an old school '91 Murray USA frame made in Tennessee.
On a closing note for this thread I found out I got my bike totally legal according to CVC 406b. I took Damien's advice about my headlamp and rear light being some compact usb re chargeable units to stream line my bike and make it light and just added one handle bar end mirror which gets it up to code. Also my bike dont like to do more than 26mph so its all in the green not in between for cali or Arizona. If I were a perm resident of arizona though I found out I would have to pay a one time $10 fee to register my bike and get a sticker for its frame and its VIN number would be established in the ADOT system as a motor vehicle and I would be required to have some super cheap $10 buck a month insurance on it. Upside to that once I do settle down in Arizona is if someone steals it, the VIN is in the vehicle database and my estimate of its worth would make it GTA for whoever did it and there is a good chance it would get back to me because any moron stealing it would probably just ride it around not part it out. California dont make you have a license, registration, or insurance on it as long as it has lights and at least one mirror and doesnt go faster than 30mph and since it falls under CVC 406b that means I can legally ride it on bike lanes and bike trails of any kind and the Karens that shout at me "Thats illegal" and I just said "No its not" in a sing song voice as I rode along wondering why she was walking in the designated bike lane, once again dont know what they are talking about. Dunning-Kruger effect at its best. Thanks for all the help and good information gents. Its much appreciated and Im enjoying my solid bike build thanks to all that good info and experience I found here.