New Rat Ride

Well it is a Dax 65 bronze bush,[ yea it's been that long ] 24 inch wheels,4inch round tank,home brew frame.louis


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Fantastic job u did of that rat...the tank could be bigger though(well,not much bigger) :)
How much does it hold?
You did the frame difficult was that?
You also did the exhaust does it compare to the standard HT for noise/performance?
Again fantastic job man,professional.
WOW! Basically the whole bike is custom! Very nice work rat it looks like you have one of the most unique bike around. By the size of that tank I'd say you could ride well over 100 miles without filling up. Did you make it 1 gallon for easy mixing at fueling stations?
That's waht i'm talkin' about!!! Excellent work. I really dig what you've done here, especially with the tank, and hiding the CDI in a vintage appearing battery box.
Prof. job there man!
WOW. So many details.
What gauge are your spokes?
What's up with that exhaust?
Is it quiet?
Did you hide your coil in that round thing?
How long is that wiring?
Man,that bike is just beautiful.
I think the 24 inch size is a plus.
Brakes up front may be a bit hard,though.