OCEAN PARK, WA. August 29-30 2009

Duly Noted! Shoot me a quick e-mal to let me know how the bikes are doing and all...
i'll keep the "sour-grapes" to a minimum (here), but i'll not take part in any event run by motoredbikers who'd exclude other motoredbikers from riding in the 4th of july parade. that was just too significantly-bogus for me to overcome...sorry but true.

however, any of my friends, and you know who you are, who find themselves in ocean park any time before i split in the spring will be most welcome to stop by...i'd be MOST-HAPPY to see you.

Give it a freakin' rest. We have.
heya, "buddy"...

i don't call going "elsewhere" to promote your show & shine "giving it a rest"...

and i don't call actively working behind the scenes to keep 4 original pnw-riders out of the parade "giving it a rest" (yes, that's the kind of people you chose over us)...and the crocodile-smile you offered quay...you & your friends left former friends behind for good that day. you hurt people, or are you blind to that?

honestly, we'd recently discussed this over a "b & b"...is he really that stupid or is he really that smug? we couldn't decide, so we went for a lo-o-ong ride under the stars & forgot all about it.

but, i'm not gonna let YOU forget about it until i leave op for good.

to tone it down a bit: the local vibes sent me reeling, i withdrew into the shop...i'm grateful to karma & keve that it was here for me...so, as the latest version of S-II came together (not bad for a "beery-bleary hippy" eh?) so also did my plans to travel...the more i looked at her, the more sense it made. so when i'm gone is when you can act as if none of this happened & that you had no role.

this thread is about a specific event that isn't gonna happen, i understand that there may be something going on, but i have nothing to do with it, nor do i know anything about it.
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