Ohio Laws

So with this form filled out, what do you do from there? Do you have to take a bike in and have it inspected, then you get put on the list of approved manufacturers? I am serious about trying to get plates and want to make sure I can before I spend the money to put a motor on my bike. Anyone gone any further with this process?
If anyone in ohio has successfully built their own and got it registered PLEASE do a step by step. I may end up going the (shutters) electric route if no one can come up with a way to do this for sure... as in done it yourself.

Not trying to be rude, just don't have a lot of disposable cash to throw away.
i live in marion, the cops here are all over MB's, but go to findly and they don't even give you a second look, just depends on where you live in ohio. wildfire no longer sells the street legal bike, but there still on the ohio list. the only way to do it in ohio is to use the self assembled rule, you will need turn singles, head, tail and brake light, horn and mirror, it will be considered a moped so you'll need to insure it and have a valid license.
Starting in 1978 I carried a motorized bicycle in my airplane and used it often to get from a out of the way airport into town.

Enjoyed it so much that I put together several other motorized bicycles and just enjoyed building and riding them.

Never the slightest problem from law enforcement, but I was careful to obey the law and ride them as a bicycle and not a motorcycle.

Things have changed in these later years. More motorized bicycle riders and some are very careless, drawing the wrong kind of attenton to the motorized bicycle riders.

Law makers and law enforcement are being forced to do something about it in certain areas.

In Campell county Virginia there were no requirements other than just ride safely.

Now that I am in California it is a different story. All my bikes are registered and I have a motorcycle drivers license as required. There are some small details on a couple of my bikes ( I have seven ) that don't meet the requirments but I think if I ride safely and continue riding them as a bicycle I will not be a problem for a police officer.

I would not be to quick to give up on motorized bicycles because of the legal requirements, they are a neat hobby and sport. See If you can comply with the requirments or try to come close, ride safely and obey the law. Even in California I have never been stopped and several police officer have looked my way and just continued on to more important matters.