oil in clutch case

You will find the seal behind the small gear is bad. I had one go on one of my bikes. The oil is from the crankcase and is being pushed out instead of being fed to cylinder. I was lucky I dug through a box of seals and found 4 that will fit, I could not tell you what they were for. If you keep going it will grind the metal part up in the small gear. Have fun, Dave
First pic is, seal in pieces, small ring should be embedded in the rubber. Second is new install.

ty egor for the info/pics.im trying to figure out how to pull the driveshaft.i wana ask if you ever taken apart the lower drive train casing.im planning on buying the clutch kit assembly to replace the mandrel(Part#18 in pic. starnut clutch adjuster stud bolt that broke off).i have no luck searching for this info on how to remove it.seems the bearings are pressed in.buying new lower end is not option for me coz i love working on this engines and wana sweat a bit..i'd appreciate any info from any MBC'ists..CHEERS!!!


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I see your quandry. Yes I have worked on the final drive. You will have to split the cases to work on that part, everything is captured between the cases. Also it is a bit of a chore to get that shaft out of the center of the part, it is all loaded under spring pressure, you can do it. You will have to remove everything from the ends of all the shafts, then get all the screw's out of the cases and they should come apart fairly easy, don't pry at the seams or it will never seal again. Have fun, Dave
Filcan,you don't have to spilt the cases,you can push the shaft out from sprocket side.The clutch side bearing will come out with the shaft,hope this helps. louis
No, that is the same one, you just take the bolt out of the center and flip it over and use the other side, put the bolt back in from the other side. I put grease on the threads to help it work smoother. Make sure you get it threaded all the way in the gear. Good luck. Have fun, Dave

Egor, I think you must be a better man than I am. I spent a good part of today trying to get that thing off. I used the puller, I oiled the threads, I hit it with a hammer, I even dusted off my best garage vocabulary. Nothing. Can it be heated without hurting anything else?

Filcan,you don't have to spilt the cases,you can push the shaft out from sprocket side.The clutch side bearing will come out with the shaft,hope this helps. louis

whewwws!!thanks so much guys and glad i didnt have to split open that casing.i really didnt want deal w that crankshaft..hehehe.pressed out only the "shaft stud side" and out she goes w one of the bearings still attached.(do not press on the bearing side,both bearings come out only outwards).well, lets hope the drive shaft repair kit comes fully assembled,sure hate to deal w the spring on the driveshaft.anyone ever have to replace this driveshaft?


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okay, i made progress with the drive shaft.i managed to take it apart.shown are parts of the driveshaft and the broken clutch adjuster bolt. while waiting for my $19 parts to arrive.link to parts list is in here.



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Denny were you able to get the shaft off? Sorry about the post I never tried to get it out the sprocket side, I thought there was a shoulder on there, I guess their using the bolt on the big gear to hold things together, and the clutch lever pushing the shaft in.. As to the gear off I never had that much trouble, I don't think it would be a good idea to use heat. Have fun, Dave
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Denny were you able to get the shaft off? Sorry about the post I never tried to get it out the sprocket side, I thought there was a shoulder on there, I guess their using the bolt on the big gear to hold things together, and the clutch lever pushing the shaft in.. As to the gear off I never had that much trouble, I don't think it would be a good idea to use heat. Have fun, Dave

Yeah, thanks. In my case, I want to remove the "flywheel" crankshaft from the gear shaft and convert it to a gearbox for another engine, ala another thread here. Little sucker is gonna fight me all the way though. Guess I will have to get a bigger puller to go with the bigger hammer. :) Vocabulary is already maxxed out. Mothers are locking their children in the house when they see me. :eek: