Opinions on this frame modification for big battery electric bike?!

Fawker I still don't think boogers make good Lube!!! :D

Fly Safe through the booger glue!!! :P
you know i still watch a lot of motorcycle electric and gas youtube videos. i will miss the sound of a good deep grumbling revving engine. not the screechy 20k rpm 2 strokes, but something like this... god damn that sounds good and that display is fkin amazing. :love:

that being said, i wont miss having my leg hairs burn off when i am stopped at a light. a mid drive engine noise is pretty nice too like a rocket ship taking off but a good revving gas motor and exhaust... ill probably get another gas motorcycle down the road.

sometimes I wish I had a middrive so I could hear it rev up. But I can hear the tire slide...
My Emo-ped sounds like a old milk float when I strain it on the take-off out of the gates along the riverside path. :D

So now that there's not much need to lock up in town (I'm not allowed in any shops, not actually supposed to be out in town at all!) do you think I should I be keeping the Emo-ped in the current gross colours and state or should I black 🖤 it up with satin finish black spray paint, and/or sticker bomb to try to change the image and make it appealing instead of dorkish?
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That look isn't summer reallyyy and there's no one helmet for one bike when it's the superheavy Emo-ped. It's just the Emoped was originally a deliberate dork mobile, with the fat tractor seat upright and forwards, and that didn't look good, and that is safety from theft but I wasn't planning on selling it or giving it to anyone. I have to think about its future and not mine now, you know? Tbh forgot whether that's appropriate for the thread.. But we were talking about a big superheavy with a proper scaffolding bar as the spine, which this is the first and only I've ever owned and its not even a Honda moped.
So what's the plan for the OP, and the general rule of approaching the modification and glorifying of the superheavy, getting superwavy for summer beach cruises?

More space for the fishing rods? That's older people's idea, so there's always two choices at least.
Bright or dark, sitting higher or low rider, but it looks like low is the way to go. Or who knows. It's for college and it's gotta pull positive and sexy attention? ;D
You can also do something for the next generation of riders.. What do I love n want them to experience riding?
umm okay. i guess i dont understand amazon logistics. it said the bike has shipped the night before it is suppose to arrive???? are they overnight shipping it to me or something or has it been on its way? either way, its on boyzzz 2 or 4 (probably 4) kwH ebike

Well obviously you'd have told us if its arrived, and then shown us.
But I don't want to fall asleep and miss anything. 🥺😭