I said screw it and ordered that transmission as I do like the case design over the others I have seen from a durability standpoint with it's extra bracing and larger looking outer case design. I will find out for myself what it has to offer and what the adjustability is. I suspect the driven sprocket inside the housing has a slightly eccentric mounting system - note the 4 bolts on the back sprocket side of the housing. It looks like the bearing for the shaft is a hub that bolts in place, and when the hub is rotated counter-clockwise it may tension the chains inside the transmission.
Even if it ends up being a general waste of time, that design does somewhat open up other up potential options for experimentation. Specifically, with that rear drive looking to be a hub assembly, and the part the 4 bolts go through also appears to be a removable section, the entire back side looks like it could be opened up, and that would make room to potentially make some sort of mount to integrate the S3X hub directly into the transmission design, greatly reducing the complexity of trying to integrate the hub into said design.