was'nt that article written in 1978? now i'm not an expert, but if we are talking plain 2 stroke oil, or motor oil ,then by all means, go rich, it'll just smoke more. but i have read several articles over the years about 2 cycle mix,plus my experience (i was a timber cutter for about 6 yrs. in the 80's) and had to protect the high priced engines of our chainsaws. i mix my synthetic 50:1 , i do check the piston, & cylinder wall . it has no scuffing. if you run you finger over the piston, there is a very light residue, that feels very slick. so i know the oil is working properly. i broke mine in like the manual said.but after i use 32:1 for a couple of tanks, then i went full synthetic 50:1. all i'm saying is there is a world of difference between 2 stroke oil 30 yrs ago, & todays full synthetic 2 stroke oils.