*Project* "Operation Tight Squeeze" 13.5" DJ

Finished the intake manifold, found a bracket and spaced out the caliper for the front disc, made some tank mounts and extended the wiring.



Gave it a decent test ride yesterday afternoon and it is working pretty well so far, as you can imagine with that frame geometry it turns VERY quickly but is surprisingly stable at speed, solid frame absorbs a bit more of the vibration as well.
that came together very nicely...you may have set some sort of record for smallest engine space, but i think i saw something similar elsewhere here? so many posts/pics, so little time :???: :LOL:

anyhow...great work, and very impressive posts, thanks 8)
I am anxiously awaiting the solution you come up with for mounting the carb!
I had to relocated my carb off to the side too, check my sig link for pictures of it.