As I posted to our resident Whizzer dealer in Sacremento, I do not try to convey Ca. law or the registration law regarding these chinese engines from any state because like a lot of folks here, I'm as confused or even MORE confused than most. As to Ca., the favorite 'solution' if I'm reading all the posts right is to falsify an engine number for the Ca.registration form #230, in the engine space, and use the bicycle's seriel number in the Vin space, or stamping your driver's licence number onto the engine,and using that number as the engine number on the form "for theft id reasons" was also suggested by those who know more than I ...
Regardless of which State you're in, if you're State is as 'hazy grey' formwise about registering these chinese engines as Ca. seems to be, then sitting down with a cup o joe, a beer, a cigarette, or whatever and seriously reviewing how you intend to obtain a plate AS WELL as what you intend to portray to a Police officer in the event you are stopped for various and sundry reasons NOT necessarily related to the attached plate on your bike, but for other reasons ASSOCIATED with that plateis in order.
1. That inserting false engine numbers or inventing false bicycle serial numbers will get you your metal plate goes without argument ... Fill in the blanks, include the money, and you'll probably recieve it. I think a lot of people see that and ONLY that as the main 'challange' and when it arrives in the mail they see THAT as 'victory ! the battle won !" It's not won in my opinion. (IMO)
2. An engine powered bicycle without a plate is challanging no one. It' s saying "I'm an OFF ROAD (read that as bicycle lane only) home before dark,
no lights or turn signals needed, low speed motor assisted bicycle and that's all. (If I'm not that Mr. Officer, than you tell me what I am ) ... this whole scenerio gets you out of defensive mode .... and at least, if the Police officer is going to correct you he'll surely only be telling you WHAT YOU NEED rather than what you have that you should NOT have,such as falsified registration.
3. A plated bike CHALLANGES and taunts police IMO with its observable plate calling attention to things you didn't want to add or forgot to include when you got the plate ... like turn signals, and head/tail light ... Again, this is no attempt to pretend I know vehicle law but then again I also know of no State where I ever lived that provided metal plates for anything vehicular that did not come equipped with lights and turn signals.
4. This is not an INSTRUCTIONAL post, I just want to re-enforce that thought ... these are simply the conclusions I arrived at with my own above advice of sitting down with a cup o joe and a cigarette before filling out the Ca. registration form.
5. A final observation regardless of which State you live in is INTENT and by that I mean we might all be having our various levels of confusion about plates because we all are also having our own definitions of where this motorbicycle will be operating ... For myself, this is a vehicle that is operated fully like a regular non motored bicycle is ... I never leave the bike lane ever, I follow the bicycle rules about crossing streets with the pedestrian stoplight button activator, or merging into the specified bike lanes that occasionally narrow toward the center lane here in Ca. deliberately to let bicycles cross with the proper redlight signals at intersections.
6. If your reply to number 5 above is to state that you yourself want a plate so you can ride exactly with the same freedoms a 50cc dot approved motor scooter enjoys, then my question is : do you then have fully operational headlights/dimmer .... tail/stoplight/ horn ? .... because the lack of these in a police stop is what would in my opinion make the stamped numbers on your bike and motor become a main attraction and concern to the officer who stopped you. I don't think even the poorest of a Police officer would not immediately ask himself "how did he register that thing?" ... and the registration validity interrogation IMO begins .... I don't want to be correct about this ... I hope a poster has comments ... I'm tired, I want to conform, and I want that 'staring behind me ' tension to end so I can ride this thing in peace ... but adding the plate in the way it is suggested to do so does not relieve this tension ... Also, for those in CA. who added the plate, did you add lights,turn signals too ?
Regardless of which State you're in, if you're State is as 'hazy grey' formwise about registering these chinese engines as Ca. seems to be, then sitting down with a cup o joe, a beer, a cigarette, or whatever and seriously reviewing how you intend to obtain a plate AS WELL as what you intend to portray to a Police officer in the event you are stopped for various and sundry reasons NOT necessarily related to the attached plate on your bike, but for other reasons ASSOCIATED with that plateis in order.
1. That inserting false engine numbers or inventing false bicycle serial numbers will get you your metal plate goes without argument ... Fill in the blanks, include the money, and you'll probably recieve it. I think a lot of people see that and ONLY that as the main 'challange' and when it arrives in the mail they see THAT as 'victory ! the battle won !" It's not won in my opinion. (IMO)
2. An engine powered bicycle without a plate is challanging no one. It' s saying "I'm an OFF ROAD (read that as bicycle lane only) home before dark,
no lights or turn signals needed, low speed motor assisted bicycle and that's all. (If I'm not that Mr. Officer, than you tell me what I am ) ... this whole scenerio gets you out of defensive mode .... and at least, if the Police officer is going to correct you he'll surely only be telling you WHAT YOU NEED rather than what you have that you should NOT have,such as falsified registration.
3. A plated bike CHALLANGES and taunts police IMO with its observable plate calling attention to things you didn't want to add or forgot to include when you got the plate ... like turn signals, and head/tail light ... Again, this is no attempt to pretend I know vehicle law but then again I also know of no State where I ever lived that provided metal plates for anything vehicular that did not come equipped with lights and turn signals.
4. This is not an INSTRUCTIONAL post, I just want to re-enforce that thought ... these are simply the conclusions I arrived at with my own above advice of sitting down with a cup o joe and a cigarette before filling out the Ca. registration form.
5. A final observation regardless of which State you live in is INTENT and by that I mean we might all be having our various levels of confusion about plates because we all are also having our own definitions of where this motorbicycle will be operating ... For myself, this is a vehicle that is operated fully like a regular non motored bicycle is ... I never leave the bike lane ever, I follow the bicycle rules about crossing streets with the pedestrian stoplight button activator, or merging into the specified bike lanes that occasionally narrow toward the center lane here in Ca. deliberately to let bicycles cross with the proper redlight signals at intersections.
6. If your reply to number 5 above is to state that you yourself want a plate so you can ride exactly with the same freedoms a 50cc dot approved motor scooter enjoys, then my question is : do you then have fully operational headlights/dimmer .... tail/stoplight/ horn ? .... because the lack of these in a police stop is what would in my opinion make the stamped numbers on your bike and motor become a main attraction and concern to the officer who stopped you. I don't think even the poorest of a Police officer would not immediately ask himself "how did he register that thing?" ... and the registration validity interrogation IMO begins .... I don't want to be correct about this ... I hope a poster has comments ... I'm tired, I want to conform, and I want that 'staring behind me ' tension to end so I can ride this thing in peace ... but adding the plate in the way it is suggested to do so does not relieve this tension ... Also, for those in CA. who added the plate, did you add lights,turn signals too ?
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