First of all let me start by apologizing to you I was having a bad day and yes your hundred percent correct these pages are for all of us trying to help each other. That was dead wrong when I said I didn't mean it like that listen the simple fact is with a 44 tooth sprocket 66 cc engine usually only goes a bit above 30 miles an hour. You could give it a little differently maybe a 56 or there abouts sprocket that way it would get up to its top speed fast and be very easy to start. I don't recommend that you govern the engine or throttle stop which I'm not quite sure what you mean by that because you are going to want to have it with the same poweror maybe you're not I can't quite understand that but that's just me. I think someone like you would be better off getting an electric bike or something that's completely legal for where you are. I mean this with the most respect and once again I am sorry about my prior comments and yes I am new to this forum but don't you worry I do know quite a bit about bicycle engines and engines in general for that matter from diesels two big blocks