Saw another MB today!


Well-Known Member
Local time
11:17 AM
Mar 23, 2008
central illinois
Helping my daughter do her paper route today I saw another motor assisted bicycle. This guy had a rack mount, yellow engine. I never got very close; I was on a pedal bike. My daughter was on the motor assisted bicycle. I told her "Go catch that guy and introduce yourself". She frowned at me and said "Daaaad!......".

Oh well, I'll assume he's a local and maybe I'll be able to find him sooner or later.

A few months back I saw a bike with a strange looking frame and the guy seemed to be cruising with very little effort for the wind conditions. So I suspect that that was an electric bike.

But aside from this today is the first time I've seen an undoubted motor assisted bike, other than my own.

It was good to see one. And I'll be looking forward to many more in the future.
The same thing happened to me this evening as my wife and I were taking a walk with our boys. We were emerging from between two houses on the walk path, when we heard a noise approach that sounded like a very light scooter or other moped. A guy passed by on a MB with a red (and what looked like) 4-stroke engine. He wasn't going too fast (yet?), but I was so flabergasted I actually saw another MB'er close to my house! Not sure if he visits here, but if so, he was heading east on Bigwood Drive into the Hubble Homes community...
ok, I rarely see MB's around, like one every 3 weeks if lucky.
So I had my MB home broken again and was out on my standard
bike, and on my way home from work this day, I see two different
MB's within 5 minutes riding. I took it as a sign, that mine would be ok, and it was.

Go the MB multiplication.