First let me introduce myself, live in Erie Pa, have built 2 gas motorized bicycles in the past. I'm getting on in age 77 so decided maybe a trike is next. A lady had advertised a Meridian in Ohio for 100.00, when I got there she said , she didn't know it was in such bad shape and I could have it for nothing, just take it away. The fenders are missing, broken brake cable, front tire flat and probably needs replaced. It looks like a good candidate to motorize.
I need help on selecting right gas 4 stroke motor and sprocket size. I would like 15-20 mph tops, ability to climb hills, I weigh 250.. I thinking a 79cc trike kit from Kings motors at 189.00, 212cc probably overkill. I really don't like the pineapple/rag joint sprocket connection to the spokes, Thinking a sprocket adapter on the meridian left wheel hub, looks like 3/4" diameter? any suggestions here and where to buy such a thing? Also the old bones don't like the bumps thinking a springer front fork, don't see much on the net, pro or con? I'm not a hardcore rider just short occasional rides through the local college to check out the coeds.
I need help on selecting right gas 4 stroke motor and sprocket size. I would like 15-20 mph tops, ability to climb hills, I weigh 250.. I thinking a 79cc trike kit from Kings motors at 189.00, 212cc probably overkill. I really don't like the pineapple/rag joint sprocket connection to the spokes, Thinking a sprocket adapter on the meridian left wheel hub, looks like 3/4" diameter? any suggestions here and where to buy such a thing? Also the old bones don't like the bumps thinking a springer front fork, don't see much on the net, pro or con? I'm not a hardcore rider just short occasional rides through the local college to check out the coeds.