Scottsdale AZ Police Want To Jail MotoredBiker!!

Glad you are back Torques... 8 lbs huh??? So, guess you need to call the licensing people for Jenny Craig real quickly... Have them incorporate that "jail wonder diet" into their loss program.!!!.. Take all the money you get from licensing and franchise fees and sue the pants of those jerk in "Nazidale":)====== Once again glad yer out.......
What happened to the good old days when they used to fatten us up so we would be less inclined to try to climb the fence?
what's next?

The "special action" motion I previously submitted is pending. I am not familiar with what the judge's case load is so I don't know the time-frame involved. I had submitted a bar complaint against the prosecutor and haven't heard back from that although I don't believe he will be admonished. I think the State Bar is basically "lawyers for lawyers", just like the police internal affairs "damage control". They are out to protect their own and the "establishment". I have at least four more additional options I am considering at this time. I am currently in ongoing contact with the ACLU and have provided them great detail regarding the sham Scottsdale police, City Attorney, City Prosecutor and judges here. I hope the ACLU can challenge the "business as usual" system here in this city to change for the future the way citizens are treated from all those various city entities.
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The ACLU take a lot of heat from the fundies, but they are a really good group. They helped my church group. If they take you on things will turn around on this, it is a good (great) sign that they are reviewing your docs.